For starters, India's development needs education and infrastructures, and its capitalist ruling class is not interested in providing those to the masses. They are only interested in making themselves rich through keeping their masses oppressed and exploited.
Smaller capitalist countries like South Korea may have motivation to educate their small population as the ruling elite there see export as main source of profit.
The only reason the Anglo rating agencies haven’t yet declared India as junk bond status is because India obediently declares its commitment to act as sepoy slave for the Anglo cause.
I laughed when a Bank of America banker told me that India was going to be a second China a couple of years ago. He listed large growing population and low base of development as driver of such growth.
He completely missed the fundamental reason why China could grow this fast : China's 1949 revolution and the land reform and the socialist system that achieved through the revolution.
For starters, India's development needs education and infrastructures, and its capitalist ruling class is not interested in providing those to the masses. They are only interested in making themselves rich through keeping their masses oppressed and exploited.
Smaller capitalist countries like South Korea may have motivation to educate their small population as the ruling elite there see export as main source of profit.
And imperialist powers may also want to have technological superiority as they make money from oppressing and exploiting the rest of the world.
But in the large "developing" capitalist countries, the capitalists can make enough just by exploiting their own population. Keeping the masses ignorant is the best way to maintain their rule.
There is absolutely no hope for any large capitalist economies to achieve fast growth comparable to China's.
A repeat now though would be a chastening moment for its nationalist leader Narendra Modi who rallies supporters on promises to advance India on the world stage and compete with the likes of China.
While it has built up a healthy stock of currency reserves, its huge population of 1.4 billion means it still has the lowest prosperity level of any investment grade country when measured by GDP per capita of $2,164. China's figure is nearly $13,000.
What the anglo mouthpiece is trying to say, is that indians are generally not as productive workers as Chinese, which in my experience does have a kernel of truth to it.How is population an excuse? China has the same or larger population.
That's very true. Those are more primitive problems that supposed to be resolved by capitalist/democratic revolution and enlightenment.I think it's more accurate to say India's society is divided in so many ways by caste, language, religion etc
The Confucian value, like other religions, is simply an oppressive tool for the ruling class. China was a Confucian society before 1949, and that was a backward and oppressive society. The victory of Chinese revolution put Confucius into museums, and China has become stronger and stronger.Plus it has a Confucian society which has base precepts in equality of education and opportunity, plus rules governing an individual's relationship to everyone else in society.
Disagree.The Confucian value, like other religions, is simply an oppressive tool for the ruling class. China was a Confucian society before 1949, and that was a backward and oppressive society. The victory of Chinese revolution put Confucius into museums, and China has become stronger and stronger.
No top-10 economy has seen its 2021 unravel faster and with greater suspense than India’s.
Narendra Modi’s podium-thumping January 28 sure does seem a lifetime ago. There, the prime minister detailed how “India beat all odds in coronavirus fight.”
Modi complained “a lot of experts had said India will be the worst-affected country, there will be a tsunami of cases.” He also said: “India is among countries that have succeeded in saving the maximum lives” and “the world from disaster by bringing the situation under control.”
It’s hard to think of words that aged more poorly as a fresh Covid crisis brings India to its knees and shocks the globe. Thanks to complacency and downright hubris on the part of Modi’s government, a new tsunami is imperiling his nation of 1.3 billion – and its neighbors.