German people were desperate. Treaty of versailles required Germany to pay huge financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, etc.. many people were starving. Germany was running out of raw materials and they were wide spread revolts. In their desperation many looked to Hitler as a false way out. Had the people of Germany known the full extent of what the Nazis were going to do, the election results in the early 1930s would surely have been different.
And isn't that what the entire west is trying to do to Russia now which is why I laugh and get pissed off because your democratic loonies you call as leaders, along with the spoiled public in the west is essentially trying to repeat that history and situation against Russia. And as I have contended that there's no way that Putin’s replacement isn't going to be much worse if let's say Putin or Russia succumbs by some chance against what the collective west is doing.
And back to my point that democracy wasn't and isn't a panacea to whatever agenda you're trying to push.
If the entire collective west were the one's who lost in WWII the collective trauma and psyche of the people, leaders etc. would have been radically different. The fact that most of the so-called "democracies" of the west were also colonial powers able to hoover everything of value from the colonies they controlled. From land resources, labour resources extracted for the benefit of the democracies you keep singing about. Those key "strategic assets" are what helped, maintained the power base, economic prosperity, and helped pay for war reparations, damages which helped protect the social cohesion of the western democracies.
The U.S. became the hyper power after WWII since it was the main semi-colonial power that was unscathed from the ravages of that conflict. Which provided them the key economic control in much of the world, which gave the American public the wrong understanding and analysis of that war. But even though America was oceans away from the conflict their mighty democratic process didn't preclude them from placing their ethnic Asian minorities in "concentration camps" for the entirety of the war.
I could go on and on and point the contradictions, human rights violations virtue signaling mother beater of a country that the U.S. has exercised all throughout it's existence to show that your thesis is nonsensical and is devoid from the historical realities of people that lived those experience and from people who are living in democratic countries that don't see that political system through rose colored glasses the way Colonialists do.