Have you tried integrating 2 units in Army? 2 units that share the same admin system, same DA forms, same training regime, and yet it is always a fucking pain in the ass.
What you are talking about is integrating two distinct interest group with its own Political action committee, history, donors, and benefactors. You are going to wind up upsetting both the KMT interest group and the resident CCP interests. The resultant headache is not worth the hassle.
There is a distinct organizational difference between the two. CCP is a party in name only. It functions more like the OFFICER COPRS of the Chinese population. If you look at its organizational size and structure, where leaders are promoted successively up the ranks and jurisdiction, the way it has 3 intersecting career tracks, it really reminds me of the commissioned officer career track of the U.S. Army.
Now, look at the KMT. They are a classic political action organization based loosely on societal elites that may or may not have given experience of someone who has worked at the village (platoon), county (company), city(battalion), provincial (brigade/div) levels.
You can't integrate the two without upsetting the career track of junior CCP members who have worked their way up, sewing the seeds of discontent in the CCP for a generation.
What you could probably do is open CCP auxiliary membership on the island (and only on the island) to qualified KMT and DPP members, allowing them to work their way up from the grassroot level, through community service, with CCP oversight.