And if I get drafted to go to China/East Asia, as no way I am joining the mess, I'd rather try and go to Cal-town or maybe Vancouver. Dual Citizenship is one of my goals. If get captured, I am just going to stay behind, maybe get a chance to visit my grandpa when the war is over.... not that I don't go back once in awhile.
IMO the conflict would have to be in Vietnam size proportions before conscription was introduced. A quick google showed in round figures, 5million Army and Marine personnel having served in Nam while the ist gulf war only had a million enlisted men.
I had a cousin in Hawaii at the time of the Nam conflict, not fancying being conscripted and walking everywhere as a grunt, and being interested in electronics he enlisted in the airforce. I think he served his time in a maritime observation type squadron.
My father and I and other family were living in Hawaii at the time, gone back for a extended family reunion, and because my father was born in Hawaii and thus an American, he was getting us kids American papers and all that sorta stuff. So I now have American residency rights, Australian residency and citizenship rights, because of both countries geo/political arrangment, and then my place of birth N.Z. Therefore theoretically I could have 3 passports. If I could be bothered. I might have the rights of 4 if I count my relationship with the Missus as she holds a Portuguese passport as well.
Anyway having an American passport may not be too good for ones health, with all these nutters going around targeting Americans.
In ww2 The Japanese were volunteers weren't they? but I wonder how the people with German ancestry got on.