The PRC already does this. Woody Island:
Hi Jeff,
Aye but Woody island (Yongxingdao) is not a reef. It was already a real island with reasonably large above-water land mass, beach, and vegetation. Also, it's located in Xi Sa (Paracels), not Nan Sha (Spratly). Xi Sa is much closer to PRC's shoreline:
The PRC currently only occupies some reefs in Nan Sha/Spratly islands group, which is our area of concern due to its long distance away from China's shoreline. Some of these reefs might not even be above water during high tide. So unless if the PRC is willing to go to war and take one of the islands by force, the other option is to simply turn one or more reefs into an island.
The areas around a reef is not deep water. If we look at what Dubai has done with its Palm Islands, I think that method of land reclamation (dredging) has the potential to be used here, turning PRC-occupied reefs into artificial islands:
Going beyond military installations and air strips, I think human habitation and economic development is vital to maintaining a nation's territorial claims. This cannot be done with reefs and small, bunker-like installations. I'm not suggesting Palm Islands v2.0 -- something less extravagant will do.