Ideal PLAN Mobile Offshore Base.


Junior Member
Why do they even bother with such a presence on a small reef? Does adding a building strengthen their argument of possession?

you need to show a continuous and peaceful display of sovereignty to show that there is sovereignty over territory, so build a small post and send soldiers are the best way to show that sovereignty (Island of Palmas case), and this is the international law.


VIP Professional
The PRC already does this. Woody Island:

Hi Jeff,

Aye but Woody island (Yongxingdao) is not a reef. It was already a real island with reasonably large above-water land mass, beach, and vegetation. Also, it's located in Xi Sa (Paracels), not Nan Sha (Spratly). Xi Sa is much closer to PRC's shoreline:


The PRC currently only occupies some reefs in Nan Sha/Spratly islands group, which is our area of concern due to its long distance away from China's shoreline. Some of these reefs might not even be above water during high tide. So unless if the PRC is willing to go to war and take one of the islands by force, the other option is to simply turn one or more reefs into an island.

The areas around a reef is not deep water. If we look at what Dubai has done with its Palm Islands, I think that method of land reclamation (dredging) has the potential to be used here, turning PRC-occupied reefs into artificial islands:



Going beyond military installations and air strips, I think human habitation and economic development is vital to maintaining a nation's territorial claims. This cannot be done with reefs and small, bunker-like installations. I'm not suggesting Palm Islands v2.0 -- something less extravagant will do.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Hi Jeff,

Aye but Woody island (Yongxingdao) is not a reef. It was already a real island with reasonably large above-water land mass, beach, and vegetation. Also, it's located in Xi Sa (Paracels), not Nan Sha (Spratly). Xi Sa is much closer to PRC's shoreline.
Agreed completely that Woody Island is not a reef. My only point was that the PRC can and will build quite a bit more than the small fortified structures you see on some of the reefs when it suits their purpose.

The Paracels and the Spratleys sit on either side of those major shipping lanes and the airstrip at Woody Island can certainly cover those lsea anes as necessary.

I expect we shall, in the furutre, see other fairly strong PRC military installations developed and scattered about, as their Navy grows to the ability to help sustain and defend tham, around the vital sea lanes that feed the PRC.


Going beyond military installations and air strips, I think human habitation and economic development is vital to maintaining a nation's territorial claims. This cannot be done with reefs and small, bunker-like installations. I'm not suggesting Palm Islands v2.0 -- something less extravagant will do.

The answer is: not possible with present human technologies.

The South China Sea is far rougher than the calm area Palm Island is located: just count in the typhoon season during August-September (till October in some years), if not the monsoon season...and even now, according to the documentaries depicting lives of PLA island garrisons, they primary have to avoid using metal furniture, because metal would rust away within a year.

Very few islands there could actually fit the term "island" as most are just rocks with only a tip jut out of the sea at high tide, plus even the more established bases, only a handful has waterways deep enough for supply ships to park, most have to rely on smaller boats to ferry men and cargo.

To build it up they need something that could withstand the sea state generate by something like, say, hurricane Katrina...


Junior Member
large "mobile" platforms will provide HUGHE targets! en great financial, human and military loss when hit by oponent.
artificial reefs/islands will need constant heightening due to rising sealevel and normal erosion.

just stick to standard helo/aircraft carriers since they are mobile and can be used for a variety of tasks and leave the oponent in dubio over where and when you will strike/show up!

most effective deterrent is leaving the oponent scared wondering what, where, when ?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
What has two structural componets, is here today but gone tomorrow, can land conventional aircraft and costs much less than a conventional aircraft carrier?

large "mobile" platforms will provide HUGHE targets! en great financial, human and military loss when hit by oponent.
artificial reefs/islands will need constant heightening due to rising sealevel and normal erosion.

just stick to standard helo/aircraft carriers since they are mobile and can be used for a variety of tasks and leave the oponent in dubio over where and when you will strike/show up!

most effective deterrent is leaving the oponent scared wondering what, where, when ?


I still think the best mobile base if you need one is a carrier battle group. With an additional amphibious capability if required.

If your base is mobile, it does not really matter in most cases where you park it. (It's the whole point of being mobile right?)
If you really want constant presence, a fixed asset is still what you need.

p.s. China does have a constant presence beside Vietnam - They share land border.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
I still think the best mobile base if you need one is a carrier battle group. With an additional amphibious capability if required.

If your base is mobile, it does not really matter in most cases where you park it. (It's the whole point of being mobile right?)
If you really want constant presence, a fixed asset is still what you need.

p.s. China does have a constant presence beside Vietnam - They share land border.

I wish I could disclose my idea to you but will file for a patent first.


Such mobile bases made some sense when the range of aircraft was limited. During WWII the British investigated the establishment of a floating airbase in the middle of the Atlantic to be able to provide aircraft cover for the convoys over the whole of the width of the ocean. It was to be constructed of the mixture of ice and sawdust called Pikerite after its inventor. But the range of the aircraft grew to fast for this project to reach construction.
I do not see a possible role for such things in the future.
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