weren't you trashing 054A for not having TAS? Now, you are saying it shouldn't get TAS.
I thrashed the 054A for having less ASW capability than the Formidable, as is evidently so. I didn;t trash it specifically for not having a TAS.
Well, That's what I said about PLAN too. If PLAN choose to use bow and hull mounted sonar + Heli, let it be so. My point is that if it chooses to add Towed Array Sonar, it has indigenous TAS to add.
Uh, China isn't exactly known in military procurement circles as a 'reference customer the way Singapore is. Besides,
even if the indigenous TAS is fitted, do you think it can match the standards of western equivalents? I don't think so, but you are free to assume whatever you want, as you seem to do.
where? you haven't shown anything. Your entire argument about ASuW lies in the SH-60, I've already shown that providing targetting information is not a problem for both ships. So, now it comes down to the missiles themselves.
I have shown that the Formidable is more capable than the 054A by virtue of its ability to target and ID the enemy silently with its VDS, as well as its superior organic heli, the SH-60. I will elaborate later.
You rely on Internet documents for a Western system and I rely on pictures and posts of big shrimps from Chinese forum. Take your pic.
You rely on assumptions and rumours. They may be right, they may not be right. At the end of the day, you are just choosing the parts you'd like to be true. And yet you demand concrete proof from others.
- When SM-3 didn't come out yet, did people not assume that it will eventually go on AB? How is assuming HH-7 going on 054A in the future so far fetched? Besides, we got until 2009
- Have you heard about China purchasing any VLS shtil? We heard about China purchasing 2 sets of rif-m, no news about VLS shtil. We have 4 054As getting built right now, if they are using VLS shtil, we should have heard about 4 systems of VLS shtil by now.
You working for the PLAN? Do you know all their purchases?
your entire argument was about the advantage that formidable had over 054A due to its more stealth shaping, why are you bringing in other systems? If you want to bring in Air defense and soft kill systems, then you are pretty much admitting that the stealth shaping can't do all that much. The fact is that a really old version of C-802 (whose seeker is no where as advanced as that of C-802A, which is not as advanced as YJ-83) launched and given targetting information from a radar sitting on a truck hit a much more stealth target. Now, if 054A is to launch this, YJ-83 would have a more sophisticated seeker, a more advanced search radar, a huge radar dedicated to guide it against a more visible target.
The more you talk the less you show about how much you understand about the concept of 'stealth'. Stealth is not a stand alone measure. Stealth is part of a repertoire of measures, ALL working towards the end goal of improving survivability. Hard-kill, soft-kill, LO measures, they are all part of the survivability toolbox. Stealth does not negate the use of other measures, and hence there is no reason why stealth cannot be mentioned beside hard-kill and soft-kill measures, especially when stealth can affect the effectiveness of soft-kill measures.
Stealth improves survivability through two ways. One is by making the ship harder to find, and thus target. Another is by improving the effectiveness of its soft kill suite because they do not have to mimic a ship with a large RCS. As you
should be able to see, these two advantages the Formidable has over the 054A give it an edge in Survivability with respect to ASuW. Another thing is that the Formidable is better able to target the enemy with its VDS and more capable heli, the SH-60. These advantages all taken together makes the Formidable a clear winner in ASuW.
are you questioning the capability of EW planes? Besides, as I said, when facing an aircraft, a missile can get fooled much more easily than a shipborne illuminator.
EW planes are much further away than the ASTER is to the ASM missiles. That decreases the EW effectiveness. In fact, when facing an aircraft, the aircraft is likely to have an easier time jamming the SARH seeker of the missile since the illuminator's radar waves have travelled a further distance than the Aster's.
I guess you haven't worked with predator + prey programming problems? You never want to intercept an incoming missile with just one missile.
All I said was that you were pulling figures from your posterior. Since they were from your S, any debate around them is like flies around whatever comes out from your bum.
nope, directly in front or directly behind, there is an angle where all 4 can illuminate targets and both CIWS can also face off.
In two specific angles only, yet you gave the impression that 4 FCRs could be used under all circumstances?
if you are in a system using some type of "Aegis type" defense like USN, you are obviously going to offer better air protection than a system not using one like Russian Navy. These types of systems are developed to handle saturated attack.
And what has that got to do with the Formidable?