I think that the concept is interesting, but I agree with Bd Popeye in that you would want better command and control of the flightdeck. Also, unless the ship has excellent seakeeping qualities, I think that the bridge would be rather wet where you located it...but I'm no naval authourity. I was Army aviation,Smashing stuff Scratch. You're getting ahead of the game, lol.
Here's my catch-up idea, basically an incremental enhancement of conventional thinking with a few original touches:
Anywhere from the 50,000t upwards, nuclear powered and using ski-jumps in order to accomodate the (soon) legacy Su-33, though hopefully with TVC.
The medium/long range SAMs (S-400 "small" is best IMO but whatever) are in VLS between the ski-jumps. There'd be Type-730s and QW-4 SAMs as well (not drawn).
The most obvious feature is the minimalised above-deck structure which houses the secondary 3-D search radar, navigation radars etc. It would also house the small deck-control bridge (no windows on starboard side to reduce RCS). The main navigation bridge is below the ski-jump (the dark band is the windows). Above/behind the bridge under the ski-jumps are the YJ-62 cruise missiles and phased-array fire control radars.
The main radars would be phased arrays which are mounted on the hull and would be similar to those on the Type-52C.
It would also have some SS-N-29 ASW missiles and some Y-7 lightweight torpedoes.
Also, unless the ship has excellent seakeeping qualities, I think that the bridge would be rather wet where you located it...but I'm no naval authourity.
I had to go back and review my literature on carriers. The size and displacement shown on the model was that of a fleet carrier (like the Essex) rather then a super carrier such as the Stennis. Beats me. I turned wrenches on helicopters and pretended to be a door-gunner,On a super carrier the waves seldom reach that high..on a regular basis. But when I was on the USS Hancock and modified Essex class CV the waves freuently reached the level where the bridge is depicted.
I'm curious about the flight deck configurations of future Chinese carriers. If PLAN choose build indiginous large carriers with more than 60,000 tons of displacement, I wonder if it will have a ski jump ramp like the Varyag or will it have steam catapults like the US carriers.
Yes indeed, something bigger is possible. One of the concepts the US has studied is the Mobile Offshore Base (MOB) which can move (albeit slowly) to its area of operations and then change its position once there. Very big...like 5,000 feet long and representative of a true offshore airbase with full facilities, as well as a provisioning point for Amphibiuos assault or other naval task forces. Depicted here:
But something like this is a long, long way off for the PLAN, and is only being studied in the US, probably never implemented