Thank you Guys for some very good counterpoints.
Can you provide some details on these ventilation structures?
How many of them are there?
How far apart are they spaced?
What is their size?
I wonder how much money it would take to build these ventilation structures underground (adjoining the tunnel) and just have air pumped into them through mile long airducts. Of, course this would now add the expense of building more infrastructure to the project. But additional gas pipelines along the length of the tunnel are actually quite useful for a supplying a forward deployed military base fuel. Specifically if such an underground base is going to have APC's, Trucks, and maybe even Tanks. Since it may be necessary to build pipelines anyway, why not an airduct?
In fact, it doesn't need to be an airduct (which would need high pressure and a very large cross-sectional area to adequately ventilate such a long tunnel). Better would be liquified Nitrogen and Oxygen pipes that would feed specialized evaporator pumps which releases air all along the tunnel. Liquid oxygen may be expensive, but liquid Nitrogen is actually quite cheap and easy to manufacture and air is mostly Nitrogen anyway.
Ventilation is a big problem for road tunnels, as cars are big polluters. But the tunnel I'm suggesting for military use would be a rail tunnel, not a road tunnel, and preferably an electrified line, so noxious gas emmissions in the tunnel would be much reduced. If fact, if the trains are airtight, you wouldn't need any ventilation at all! Only the underground bases in Taiwan would need ventilation, and this would come from overhead warehouses feeding them air pipes.
Besides, a ware house would be a great cover for this projet, just claim to be dealing primarily with ballast distribution, and you can disguise alot of tunnel debris.
I understand that any such 'Chunnel project' to Taiwan is prohibitively expensive, but I am not so sure it is beyond what China can afford. After all, China already spends billions of dollars worth just on missile production for use on Taiwan.
Also, thank you Zergling for correcting me about Taiwan's largest recent earthquake.
But how long ago was this 921 earthquake? Do you know if seismologists consider it a 'once in a hundred year event'?
If it occurs less frequently than that then it has a very small chance of ever even affecting such a project, as it doesn't take that long to build and utilize such a tunnel for a war.
All the same, Japan has a number of underground tunnels for car and train transport -including numerous undewater tunnels, and regularly experiences earthquakes over 7.0 every few years (including a 7.9 monster in 1968).
Japan has underwater tunnels connecting the main island of Honshu to the Kyushu island to the south (in a highly earthquake prone region). This includes the Hokuriku rail tunnel (8.6 miles long) which has been around since the Korean War (rebuilt in 1962). There are also other tunnels linking the islands, notably The New Kanmon tunnel (18.7 km), Here are links:
It should be noted the New Kanmon tunnel was the world's first underocean tunnel, built in the year 1936-1944!!
Also, Japan does have the world's biggest underwater tunnel, the Sei Kan Tunnel. As I mentioned, it connects the island of Honshu to Hokaido to the north. Here is a linK:
As you can read, it cost Japan $7 billion dollars. It was started in 1964, and not completed until 1988. It had a major flooding accident that caused a significant delay. Another reason for the long time of construction was the loose volcanic soil which made standard TBM's unviable. Altogether, it consists of two parallel rail tunnels, carrying three lines each.
Here is another article about Sei Kan tunnel:
Of course, Japan does have many subway tunnels, and these are hardened to resist earthquakes. Other earthquake cities, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco have recently given the go-ahead for subway construction:
Here is a source regarding Los Angeles:
what is interesting about Los Angeles, is the debate of building an 11-mile subway that passes to within just ONE MILE of a fault line.
And here is a source regarding San Francisco:
What is interesting about the San Francisco subway system is the planned construction of the TransBay Tube (construction begins 2007). This subway will be underwater in one of the most tectonically active faults in the world. And engineers say they can strengthen it to withstand a major earthquake to gaurantee passenger safety.
Aside from the major concern of earthquakes for tunnels, there is the secondary effect of liquefaction. This is where loose, water saturated soil liquifies when experiencing vibrations caused by a nearby earthquake. This is common for volcanic and alluvial soils. Here is a an example of liquefaction in a japanese laboratory:
Here is article from a town in British columbia, Canada, that has to rebuild a strengthened tunnel to withstand possible soil liquefaction in the event of an earthquake:
This tunnel will not be a rail tunnel, nor a road tunnel, but a water supply tunnel (it just a small town, with a small budget after all). But it does show there exists technology for tunnels to be strengthened to withstand liquefaction.
Please continue responding to this thread, I don't quite believe it is dead yet, and I find the ideas being passed around to be truly fascinating (both criticisms and solutions).