Hong-Kong Protests


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They need to integrate themselves with the mainland and are doing so with the Greater Bay Area project.

They have been doing that already. But Hong Kong's strength is its financial markets. They need to pump up the stock markets, by creating more value for investors rather than restricting innovative Chinese companies.


They have been doing that already. But Hong Kong's strength is its financial markets. They need to pump up the stock markets, by creating more value for investors rather than restricting innovative Chinese companies.
The stock market, as its current iteration, is more a gambling den then proper reflection of the actual, physical economy.

HK's role in the greater scheme of things to China is as latter's buffer zone, as whoever and whatever try to f--- with China's economy will have to contend with conducting their "war" on "battleground HK".

It's said that George Soros got his tentacles burned more times than he wants to count.


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UK has got to be one of the most overrated placed for jobs. I don't know how they keep giving that image it's the financial center when even in London it's hard to get a half decent job. Where are those employees getting hired from?

Some of them are getting ruthlessly exploited by their existing employers. I know one who transferred from their company's Hong Kong branch to England. They didn't get a pay raise or housing compensation for this transfer AND they're now paying the several times higher UK tax rate instead of HK's minimal rates as well as UK prices for stuff like food and transport. We know they're objectively morons for this but whether they're willing to admit it to themselves is another thing.

The UK/Hanjians spend a lot of money in advertisements and renting spaces in HK to promote UK sports and "culture". If you're a frog in the well like so many of these folks are, you might mistake the UK for being a superpower and "influencial".