Legacy left over from British colonial days???!?!?
Is this PS?
I own a couple of suits made by Indian tailors in HK - Raja Fashions I think. They come to UK to measure up and then make the suits in HK. Not sure they still fit TBH, got them ~20 years ago!Many of them are born and bred in HK, and speak near perfect Cantonese. The HK Police wants them in the ranks to engage better with the Indian population.
FYI - The few thousand withdrawals amount to around 1.5% of the total number (apparently ~357000 donors in total)
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Jai Hong Kong.
Yes they are Sikhs.I think the guys that wear the head scarves actually are in a diffrent sect than the hindus, i think they may even be some conflict between the groups.
Goddamn Indian fantasies border hoppin' over to China and coming true here when we didn't even want that crap...