These four fugitives were asked to beg for money using tiktok, telegram, Facebook, and Instagram. However, they themselves never received any money from donation. Those donation was taken by a group of people that already fled from HK to UK. One year in a warehouse with no haircut and little food. Not sure what these youngsters were thinking. No wonder they are called used condom.
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He said the four men had tried to seek refuge via the US consulate in Hong Kong in December 2020 but had been rejected. Since then they had been hiding in various places with help from an unnamed party, who moved and fed them.
“For close to a year, these four people have not set foot outside,” Li said.
When the four were intercepted, Li said they had long hair and looked malnourished.
To avoid detection during transit, Li said the men were subjected to the “
inhumane” treatment of being put into paper boxes and not knowing their destinations.
He said they had paid unnamed facilitators more than
HK$400,000 (£43,100) to be smuggled out of Hong Kong. He also said some of the facilitators have fled Hong Kong themselves, leaving the four young protesters to their own devices.
A 34-year-old man was also arrested for assisting offenders, but Li did not say if he was with the facilitators.
One of the four defendants, Tsang Chi-kin, who in 2019 was an 18-year-old secondary school student, was shot in the chest by a police officer during a protest in Tsuen Wan. He was later charged with rioting. The police said the officer was going to the aid of a colleague whom he believed was under attack.