The loyalty pledge to the CCP and then only to the country upended the meaning of "盡忠報國" because the country is secondary to the interest of the CCP. When push comes to shove in a conflict of interest the survival of the CCP take precedence to the interest of the country or the Chinese people. I find such a sense of priority deeply troubling and invariably leads to the detriment of the Chinese people as seen by CCP's historical actions that include; (i)the "Great Leap Forward" when millions of Chinese died; (ii) the 1989 incident when thousands of Chinese died; and the more recent internment of a million people in Xinjiang because of their religious beliefs.
When Yue Fei's mother tattoed on the son's back "盡忠報國", it was a reminder of service and loyalty to the motherland and not to the emperor. How lronic it is to invoke " 盡忠報國" when the CCP's number one priority is to itself and not the motherland. .
There is no dispute that Yue Fei represents the gold standard in Chinese culture for loyalty and service to the motherland even though the emperor's competence is highly questionable. However do note that in many conversations and in the HK protest, there is a distinction made between contesting the actions of the CCP as opposed to against the people of China. Even Bannon in that interview clearly referenced to CCP. Those HK people who opposed the extradition bill and the associated demands simply do not trust the CCP' as its actions.are always party ahead of the country and that includes HK.
You have to ask the CCP where their loyalty priority lies in the scheme of things - party or country?
OH Brumby... your verbal gymnastics is quite the routine show.
I've noticed a pattern in the way a certain demography (middle aged male from West? I can only guess) tries to attack China. I've seen it so many times, it has become mundane. The steps of attack are as follows -
1. Attack the Chinese policies and initiative as being inherently sinister and foul, laided with bad intentions.
2. Discredit Chinese advancements / progress as something done standing on the shoulders of West.
3. Make a clear distinction between CCP and China. If possible, show some insenscere concern for the "oppressed" Chinese under the CCP. The concern is of course in bad faith and intended to sow doubts in the Chinese citizens - ultimately resulting in the people turning on the CCP. (very much of a wet dream for some folks these days).
4. Of course, disseminate and enforce the narrative that Chinese (as do Asian people of mongoloid descend in general) are uncreative, too orderly and lacking in the zeal to discover, invent, initiate or establish. They'd only make good innovators BUT not inventors. The last quality is BTW an unique forte of another specific race. (I've noticed that the fourth talking point is often pushed in very far right / man-cave websites and finds little popular support in these day and age)
The third mentioned act is what you are engaging in. Certainly, you'd find gullible ones fall for that in many other places.Not here. Here you'd find resistance.
The CCP enjoys the support of the people.The Party defines and determines the physical borders of the territory they'd want to term as PRC. That is because CCP is employed and "allowed" to function in order to fullfil the aspirations of the Chinese to see a unified Zonghua Renmin Gongheghuo that has Zonghua Minzu living in harmony and prosperity.
If the CCP ers from this promise - which isn't overtly made to the people BUT certainly kept and demonstrated in its actions - then the people shall bring down the CCP and its ideology. The CCP has the popular mandate simply because it does the vast majority of things in the interest of the Chinese nation,people and their aspirations.
Of course, somebody who choose to put on rose tinted glasses would ignore the "nationalist" and nation-people-culture oriented efforts of the CCP but rather concentrate and drum up attention towards the actions taken for self-preservation and continuity of the CCP.
If the CCP was "communist", it ought to have supported the overthrow of the borgouiss and emancipation of the proletariat in and around China. The Constitution of China and the Constitution of USSR shows the difference between CCP and CPSU. The CPSU was devoted entirely towards an economic Ideology.The CCP isn't. The CCP had demonstrated and learnt from the ills that resulted from mindless pursual of ideologies. It had the capacity to learn and change simply because the promise made to the Chinese wasn't simply an economic one. It was also Nationalist.
A strong CCP makes a strong and prosperous PRC. A strong and prosperous PRC is the aspiration of the Zonghua minzu.