Pay attention to the links I put up regarding the electronics industry. While there is a foreign input base that's helped China really advance, that alone is really not enough to explain their current position. Keep in mind that what states have an incentive not to give China their bests for security purposes and businesses don't have an interest in giving Chinese partners too much power. The IP situation in China is a further hindrance for tech transfer. China's current position has been through a combination of what it has learned from other countries (legally or not) and what it has been able to do with that knowledge.
If you actually look at the BRICs in terms of technological development, they really aren't equal. India has a slight edge in IT and Computer Science, but China is the only one of the four that's made any grounds in competing with the incumbents of the semiconductor industries. Meanwhile only China and Russia have the ability to go to space, but one is making a lot of progress while the other is actually regressing. China is the only one in the race with the US and Europe in trying to innovate new energy technology (including battery research). And finally, Russia is ahead of China in aerospace, but that lead has shrunken dramatically, and at this rate it won't be another decade before China is on par, at least in terms of technological ability.
Today no one develops technology by its own.
If we are honest they are more or less on par let us see aviation
To start all these nations recieve help in one way or another, there is nothing wrong about it.
China has advanced a lot, true is a space fairing nation, has important programs and will continue developing those technologies in the future.
However Russia, India or Brazil are doing the same
In south america they are developing for example helicopters for example this is the CH-14 from Argentina
CH-12 helicopter from Argentina made cicare
And Brazil can make tanks, this is the Osorio, never was put into production but was build domestically in Brazil.
Russia can make many goods and in aerospace they are not fools, they are doing international programs for one simple reason selling.
Brazil makes new jets like the Phenom
So i will simply say, Russia is not falling simply it is adapting it self to globalization.
India is well posiotioned in helicopter industry
Aircraft industry[video=youtube;YO-cbmX4_oc][/video]