H-6 Bomber Aircraft Discussions


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For the first time the PLAN Naval Aviation's latest long-range missile carrier, the H-6J assigned to the South China Sea Fleet Aviation at Guiping Mengshu were revealed in a CCTV-7 video. Shown were at least H-6Js on the tarmac. (Image via Huitong's CMA-Blog)

H-6J - at Guiping Mengshu - 20191220.jpg


Lieutenant General
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There is an interesting discussion going on at Twitter and other forums after a satellite image of the Xi'an/XAC facility plant at Xi'an Yanliang was re-examined. The image take at around 2018 shows several (two at least ?) large missiles on the tarmac standing close to the H-6N bombers. Given their size, they are definitely wider in diameter and longer than the regular KD-20 ALCMs and resemble more the rumoured Ballistic Anti-Ship missile (similar to the DF-21D). Usually the missile is wrapped under canvas or some sort of tarpaulins but at least one seems to show its white wing tail-fins.

(Images by DigitalGlobe via Huitong's CMA-Blog)

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H-6N + AShBM at XAC - GE 1.jpg H-6N + AShBM at XAC - GE 2.jpg H-6N + AShBM at XAC - GE 3.jpg