an entire section on H-6 here
it's at the very end, they baiscally talked about how H-6 has changed a lot and can now carry long range cruise missiles and be used a stand-off launch platform.
And, they talk about other variants of H-6 like the recon version (???), ECM version (????) and of course the tanker version. He says that H-6U can hold 18 ton of fuel and that can supply a dadui. I could be wrong here, but each regiment has 3 dadui. He also mentioned that they have changed engine on H-6 to use a domestic engine which increased the range by 25-30%. Although, I still he is still referring to an improved WP-8 here rather than WS-18.
it's at the very end, they baiscally talked about how H-6 has changed a lot and can now carry long range cruise missiles and be used a stand-off launch platform.
And, they talk about other variants of H-6 like the recon version (???), ECM version (????) and of course the tanker version. He says that H-6U can hold 18 ton of fuel and that can supply a dadui. I could be wrong here, but each regiment has 3 dadui. He also mentioned that they have changed engine on H-6 to use a domestic engine which increased the range by 25-30%. Although, I still he is still referring to an improved WP-8 here rather than WS-18.