H-6 Bomber Aircraft Discussions


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it's at the very end, they baiscally talked about how H-6 has changed a lot and can now carry long range cruise missiles and be used a stand-off launch platform.

And, they talk about other variants of H-6 like the recon version (???), ECM version (????) and of course the tanker version. He says that H-6U can hold 18 ton of fuel and that can supply a dadui. I could be wrong here, but each regiment has 3 dadui. He also mentioned that they have changed engine on H-6 to use a domestic engine which increased the range by 25-30%. Although, I still he is still referring to an improved WP-8 here rather than WS-18.


Banned Idiot
两 伊战争时期的伊拉克拥有不少俄国的轰炸机,包括Tu-16与Tu-22。伊拉克经常使用这些轰炸机对伊朗的城市进行轰炸,伊朗虽然拥有美制的F-4与F- 14战斗机,可是在拦截高速杀进杀出的Tu-22时往往力不从心。1984年伊拉克以多架轰炸机配合电子干扰与高度变换的战术作了一次漂亮的攻击,在这里 介绍一下这一次的战例。
这次事件发生于1984年3月15日。当天一架无武装,担任空中雷达警戒的伊朗F-14A战斗机在德黑兰附近盘旋时发现5 个来自伊拉克的高速空中目标。机上的AWG-9雷达便是出这5个高速目标分别是4架Tu-22再高度4万鹰尺高速飞行,这个编队的后方还有一架Tu-16 在4万5千英尺的高度跟随。伊朗空军立即让两架待命的F-4E紧急升空进行拦截,并且准备派出更多的F-4E支持,德黑兰外围的地对空飞弹部队也对入侵的 敌机发出警报。
大部分伊拉克空军最多一次派遣3架Tu-22担任轰炸任务,大多是一架或是两架轰炸机出现,这种一次出动4架的情况极为罕见。其 次,挂在这4架后面的Tu- 16又是担任什么性职的任务呢?如果是作为探路者,那么,位于Tu-22的编队后方并不合理,对于正要爬高拦截的伊朗空军飞行员来说,他们当时认为这一架 Tu-16担任加油机的可能性较高。
就在首先起飞的两架F-4E准备他们的AIM-7飞弹的时候,很可能是因为伊拉克的轰炸机侦测到AWG-9的 讯号,4架Tu-22当中的前面两架突然开始加速冲刺爬高,与编队迅速拉开距离,接着这两架Tu-22以高速各自朝左右两方左出180度的回转,彷佛要放 弃任务的感觉。其它3架轰炸机则维持原样继续前进。
就在这时候,两架F-4E的飞行员与武器管制官发现他们的雷达被伊拉克轰炸机上的SMALTA-5电战装置干扰而失去目标讯号,同时,飞机之间以及与地面的无线电通讯也受到俄制Pelena II系统的干扰而中断。
由 于无法以雷达追踪与攻击伊拉克的轰炸机,伊朗的两架F-4E决定朝向先前发现目标的空域飞行并且改以肉眼搜索与AIM-9攻击。只是他们不知道的是,另外 两架Tu-22就在这个混乱的当口迅速下降到低空并且增加速度,后面的Tu-16则以最大速度继续爬升。这时候伊朗方面才意识到这架Tu-16是担任这次 任务中的干扰工作,好让其它的轰炸机突破拦截发动攻击。
飞行于600英尺低空的两架Tu-22各对德黑兰发射一枚AS-4空对地飞弹,在确认飞弹 发动机点燃并且爬升之后,这两架轰炸机也迅速调头返航。位于高空的Tu-16则一直接进到距离德黑兰大约30km的空域,为那两枚飞弹提供中途更新资料, 直到这两枚飞弹能够以自己的寻标头找到预设的攻击目标:Mehrabad空军基地。
这 一次的作战当中,伊拉克以电战系统加上大量的干扰丝迅速的切断伊朗拦截机的侦测与通讯,接着在最短的时间之内让两架实际上发动攻击的Tu-22躲到低空, 逃避后续的拦截行动,这些都不是很新奇的战术,但是合并在一起使用,还是对有诸多经验的伊朗空军造成不小的混乱,顺利的达成任务。
this has nothing to do with PLAAF,but iran iraq air war.
on March 3, 1984 F-14 on CAP mission detected 5 iraq jets heading toward tehran. 4 of them was TU-22 and one TU-16.iranian quickly vector 2 F-4E toward the target, it turn out that the TU-16 was escort jammer.using SMALTA-5 jammer to jam F-4E FCS ,and PELENA-2 to jam communication link,
iranian decided to attacked it with sidewinder,but has no idea where's the bearing,by then the TU-22 each carry AS-4 air to surface missile fired there missile at Mehrabah air field and return safely to iraq.


Hui Tong has updated his H-6M entry :
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A PLAAF H-6M (?) cruise missile carrier was seen here carrying two CJ-10K ALCMs and an ECM pod. First entering service in 2007, this new variant (serial # 40x7x) has probably been converted from the older H-6F, as its twin 23mm tailguns are retained. Simliar to the naval H-6G, the aircraft was modified with a large chin mounted surface search radar and two pairs of underwing pylons. Other noticeable features are the much improved self-protecting measures including forward MAWS sensors in the nose, RWR antennas on the vertial tailfin tip, and chaff/flare dispensers along the side of rear fuselage. The CJ-10K ALCM is carried underneath the large inner pylon while an ECM pod is carried underneath the smaller outer pylon. The same type of ALCM is also carried by H-6K (see below). Therefore H-6M is speculated to be a low-cost, stop-gap solution until the more advanced H-6K enters PLAAF service.

Inner pylon CJ-10K, outer pylon ECM pod :
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Posted By Xinhui @ CDF : H-6M carrying two CJ-10K and ECM pods




Senior Member
sweet, its about time they get an air-launched version, this one should have a longer range if it is confirmed. over 2000km i'd say. good enough for plenty of missions.


sweet, its about time they get an air-launched version, this one should have a longer range if it is confirmed. over 2000km i'd say. good enough for plenty of missions.
it means that this missile range is over 2000km.where did you get this number?