H-6 Bomber Aircraft Discussions


Registered Member
I was surprised the tu-95 is bigger than the H6. I always thought they were relatively similar in size.

Not really.

Length46.2 meters34.8 meters
Wingspan50.1 meters33 meters
Height12.12 meters10.35 meters

Using a very rough visualization, the Tu-95 is Boeing 767-sized, whereas the H-6 is Boeing 737-sized.

Besides, the Tu-95 actually weighs almost twice as heavy as the H-6 at MTOW.
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Registered Member
The Tu-95 was designed as a strategic bomber with enough range to bomb the US. The Tu-16 was designed as a regional bomber with enough range to hit some targets in Europe. So they are in different classes.
The turbojet powered Soviet strategic bomber contemporary to these aircraft would be the Myasishchev M-4 "Bison". But it had issues with the initial engines not performing up to spec which cut into the range. This was only solved with the 3M version which used different engines and had in-flight refueling.

The H-6K has way more range than the original H-6 because of the different engines. They basically put engines from the 1970s in a 1950s designed airframe.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Perfectly normal, yes. The stupid part is when people try to compare apples and oranges.
You are wrong. There is nothing stupid about it.

If there is an admission that dissimilar weapons systems will engage then obviously they should be compared if the goal is study possible scenarios.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I wonder if China will eventually develop small cruise missile/standoff munition to make use internal bay of the H6 fleet.