The B21 uses a F135 derived engine. You can't compare that with the engines China has available right now.
The F135 has 128 kN dry thrust. Compare that with the numbers we have been discussing above like 77 kN.
That is why the H-20 should have four engines.
Then four engines, a third of the B-2's payload and about three quarters of the B-21's and half the range
Seriously though the engine question combined with the fact that they're doing a stealth design means low bypass, concealed, no afterburning which means WS-10 or WS-15 if timing and manufacturing rates permit.
Which one will probably depend on the function of the H-20. I suspect they want more a B-2 size craft than B-21 because it needs to have the flexibility of air lunching larger ordinance which seems to be something the PLAN and PLAAF are keen on. Every emphasis in PLAAF and PLAN has been go big or go home. Big payloads and long ranges wherever possible. The only exceptions were 001 and 002 where they were building industry and doctrine forming platforms based on Kuznetsov Class. As soon as they were trained up on carrier operations, they started developing the domestic designs carrying those lessons from operating J-15s and extending them where possible. These carriers are certainly larger while no Ford class, I suspect propulsion has been a slight limiting factor along with concerns for overdoing it on the first step with still very limited carrier experience in operations and design+building.
I don't see the H-20 carrying single stage to orbit crafts or tasks with things like dropping WZ-8 to speed and altitude but launching boosted HGVs and air launched ballistics? Yes. YJ-18, YJ-12, and anything else in those classes as well. Larger spaces only mean future ordinance development aren't quite as restricted. While the modernised H-6s could do those from a safe distance, why wouldn't you want a replacement strategic ranged bomber to be capable of that at least.
Stealthy stand off weapons can be carried by anything including a J-10. More capable stand off weapons with more functions require something like an H-6. A B-21 like equivalent should be aimed to serve some other functions while being stealthy. I'd say speed and better turning performance is a minimum. That's where the JH-xx could fit it if such a program hasn't been abandoned in preference for only the H-20. They can serve very different functions and would be quite unlike the costly cold war era vs more economical updated modern era B-2, B-21 dichotomy. This is somewhere I don't think China will follow the US model quite as identically.