What is the expected MTOW of H-20? It is widely accepted that it will have 4 engines. If those 4 engines are non-afterburning WS-15s then we are talking about a massive bomber. WS-15 wet thrust is expected to be around 20 tons. In modern low-bypass turbofans, dry thrust is usually around two thirds of wet thrust. 13 tons would be a nice estimate for the dry thrust of WS-15. Having 4 WS-15s means having 52 tons of thrust. Modern subsonic bombers have a thrust-to-weight ratio between 0.2-0.32. We are talking about a bomber up to 260 tons!!! This would make it the second largest bomber ever deployed. If a flying wing of this size only has 20 tons of payload capacity then its range should be the highest ever by a long shot. Is China planning for a platform that can strike CONUS? Such a platform would shake the geopolitical landscape.