Sigh... Let me walk you through this again.
Before we proceed, some definitions are in order:
1) The designation 'JH' stands for 'Jian-Hong', or 'fighter-bomber'. An example would be JH-7.
2) The designation 'H' stands for 'Hong', or 'bomber'. One example would be the Xi'an H-6. These are designed as pure bombers.
3) The word 'are' indicates present tense. The word 'were' indicates past tense.
Now onto the meat of our disagreement...
超级大本营CDF, a.k.a. fzgfzy, posted on his Weibo account the following on May 2, 2018:
The above photo is accompanied by a caption at the bottom that reads "战轰鸭嘴,另一款红色B2就…", as seen in the cropped screen capture below:
"鸭嘴" means duckbill, or it can be a shorthand for "鸭嘴兽" (duckbill beast), which means "platypus". "红色B2" translates as "Red B2".
With the above in mind, the caption translates literally as "duckbill/platypus bomber, the other is Red B2", or alternately "duckbill/platypus bomber, the other item Red B2 is or may..."
In my opinion, "Red B2" can only refer to the Chinese counterpart to the American B-2; in other words, a Chinese flying-wing, long-range, strategic stealth bomber. Taken together, these photos indicate the existence of, in the present or the past,
two distinct bomber projects: one being the platypus bomber, the other the flying-wing B-2 equivalent.
Subsequently, on May 3rd, 2018, fzgfzy
, which depicts a mockup at Shenyang.
In the comment section for the above photograph, 超级大本营CDF, a.k.a. fzgfzy, answered some questions from commenters:
Begin Translation:
Redeye123: Is this the 'platypus' you talked about?
超级大本营CDF: What I talked about was more beautiful than this.
精准微操蒋中正: Is this what you referred to previous as the H-1X?
超级大本营CDF: No. H-1X is from the
northwest** and is more futuristic-looking/more science-fiction-like than this.
**Northwest seems to imply XAC, which is located in Xi'an, in northwestern China.
End Translation.
So basically, the Shenyang mockup is
not the platypus bomber, nor is it XAC's H-1X bomber. In other words, the platypus bomber is something else entirely.
In other words, fzgfzy implied the existence of two distinct bomber projects. He didn't say if they are current projects or defunct. He also never applied the designations such as 'H' or 'JH' anywhere.