Great Fictional World War III book (China & allies VS US & allies)


VIP Professional
Re: Nit Pickings....

I first want to thank Jeff for his generosity for allowing free downloads of this book "DFS - WorldWar". I downloaded it and have only read frew pages so far. I could see a great effort has put into writing this book.

There is one tiny tiny little thing I would like to bring up -- please pay attention to the Chinese names. Some of the names used in this book cannot be possibly Chinese names as they don't exist when expressed in pinyin. For instance, "Jien Zenim". In Mandarin, there is no sound such as "Jien" and "nim".

This doesn't make any difference in the storyline, but would make it a bit more plausible.

Again, thanks for the book!

I'd suggest using Pinyin for mainlander names and wade-gills for Taiwanese names. What does everyone think?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Nit Pickings....

I first want to thank Jeff for his generosity for allowing free downloads of this book "DFS - WorldWar". I downloaded it and have only read frew pages so far. I could see a great effort has put into writing this book. was a time consuming project...lots of research and lots of contemplation. But, it was also a very enjoyable exercise that took about three years.

There is one tiny tiny little thing I would like to bring up -- please pay attention to the Chinese names. Some of the names used in this book cannot be possibly Chinese names as they don't exist when expressed in pinyin. For instance, "Jien Zenim". In Mandarin, there is no sound such as "Jien" and "nim".
Thanks. I understand that particularly some of the names that were written to parallel historical figures were not matched to the actual language and I hope you will forgive me for that.

IThis doesn't make any difference in the storyline, but would make it a bit more plausible.

Again, thanks for the book!
You are very welcome. Please do not hesitate to comment on other parts of the book as you read through it, and thanks for taking the time to download and read it...and for then taking even more time to share your views regarding it.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I've been reading the book and have to say it's far better than certain unmentionable Clancy title. Kudos to Jeff!

Spoiler warning.

Just a thought and a questionAdepitus.

Since a lot of talk is going on on this forum and elsewhere surrounding the Chinese carrier design (both Varyag and future carries), what did you think of the design put forward in the Dragon's Fury Series for transforming container ship design into modular designs for military purposes, particularly the carrier design?



New Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

如果美国人是这样看中国的,那就太可怕了。美国没有打到中国来,我们已经烧高香了,美国人竟然认为中国人可能有兴趣侵略美国。:( 有点迫害狂的味道。如果有一定数量的美国人认为这是真的,那就是中国的灾难:(

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

如果美国人是这样看中国的,那就太可怕了。美国没有打到中国来,我们已经烧高香了,美国人竟然认为中国人可能有兴趣侵略美国。:( 有点迫害狂的味道。如果有一定数量的美国人认为这是真的,那就是中国的灾难:(
Sorry, I certainly cannot read or understand that there anyone else reading this thread that is able to translate Chinese writing? Perhaps tphuang or someone else?


New Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I am sorry ... but this confirms my guess that you don't understand Chinese (in both senses) well. As far as I have read, the dialogues between the Chinese people (with funny Chinese names) in the book are very un-Chinese.

It doesn't matter. What worries me is the view of China as potential invader of the US. At present, and in at least 50 years, the Chinese stand zero chance of winning an invasion of the US, no matter what little tricks the Chinese may have learned or by whatever surprise the Americans may be taken. Therefore, to envision a Chinese (with allies) invasion of the US one has to start with the assumption that the collective intelligence of the Chinese leadership is only half that of Mr GW Bush.

Not only we can't, we also don't wanna. (yes, I'm Chinese) Ever since the start of the economical reform, China has not tried to impose her ideology onto any other countries. We are not exporting our beliefs and values to mideast by guns and fighter jets, are we? Sure China does not like the US on some days of the month. That's more because the US has been limiting China's growth, I think. On other days of the month we play our parts and we are fine. Why should we want a war we can't win? Just think the restraint the Chinese showed when the American missiles hit the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. Try imagining with a novelist mind what's going to happen if the American embassy in Bhutan (there may not be one) is hit by a Chinese missile?

So is China a threat? No, China is not a threat to the US' terretorial security. Yes, as an up and rising power, China may potentially pose a threat to the unillaterel world power structure the US has been enjoying. Given the advantages the US has over China in almost all aspects of a power struggle, the game will prove hard for China. China will play the game, nontheless, peacefully, as the alternative is neither profitable nor viable. US will play the game, I hope, peacefully too -- This is a little wishful since after all the Red China has quite a bit of WMD in inventory. Who knows when the US will write itself a search warrant.:nono:

This aspect of the US aside, it is a great country, with a creative, industrous and upright people. It was struck by 9/11. Still you guys don't need to be paranoid about everyone not in your line. And the fictitious portrayal of China as the invader could be poisoning to American readers, and iritating to Chinese readers (not many of us). I just want you to know how some people react to your book, and am not ask you to change anything of your book, an admirable undertaking regardless.:coffee:

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

What worries me is the view of China as potential invader of the US. At present, and in at least 50 years, the Chinese stand zero chance of winning an invasion of the US, no matter what little tricks the Chinese may have learned or by whatever surprise the Americans may be taken. Therefore, to envision a Chinese (with allies) invasion of the US one has to start with the assumption that the collective intelligence of the Chinese leadership is only half that of Mr GW Bush.
Amorphous, first, the book is a fictional thriller. Second, the main storyline is not about an invasion of continental America, although once the full war gets going the Chinese do go into Alaska to either destroy or take American oil...but as a part of the fictional war tale.

Third, I have been to China and know that the Chinese people, like all people, are basically good folk who are interested in their kid's welfare and their families just like I am in my own. Whatever issues I have with the PRC do not lie at all with the many, many fine people there...those differences lie with their totalitarian government. But that is what it is and this book, while it may be construed and taken as a warning to people about the potential for harm by totalitarian governments, is first and foremost a fictional, military techno-thriller.

I am happy to see the Chinese economy developing and benefitting the common people of China and hope and pray that is the way it remains and that nothing similar to what this fictional tale illustrates ever occurs on either side.

Hope that helps, all other political concerns aside. I do enjoy talking about and writing about the technologies of the various military hardware and that was another good outlet for me in the book series., I really would like to know what the Chinese writing says, if you care to translate.


New Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

Jeff Head: I said the similar thing in the longer post. I will try a translation below

如果美国人是这样看中国的,那就太可怕了。美国没有打到中国来,我们已经烧高香了,美国人竟然认为中国人可 能有兴趣侵略美国。 有点迫害狂的味道。如果有一定数量的美国人认为这是真的,那就是中国的灾难

If this is how the Americans view China, that will horrifying. We are already thanking Bhuda for blessing when the Americans have not invaded China. How could the Americans even think the Chinese have the slightest interest in invading America? This feels like "paranoia about abuse" (I don't know the phrase). If a certain fraction of Americans believe this can be true, it will be disastrous to China and the Chinese people (given the power of the US).
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New Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

those differences lie with their totalitarian government. But that is what it is and this book, while it may be construed and taken as a warning to people about the potential for harm by totalitarian governments, is first and foremost a fictional, military techno-thriller.

Jeff Head, thanks for your reply.

Though by no means I am a supporter of CCP, I don't want to see a line between CCP goverment and the China's countryman drawn so lightly. When you try to hurt the "totalitarian" government you will hurt the people first. Iraq and NK are very clear examples of the point.

Maybe we should not go down the road and continue to discuss politics, which is not encouraged by the forum policy. Anyway, my message is that China is changing like the US is, if not more rapidly. I hope Americans can take a more objective view when looking at China, and respect China's will to become a "normal" member on the international stage.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

amorphous, thanks for the translation. I actually believe our hopes and dreams for the future are similar in nature.

Jeff Head, thanks for your reply.

Anyway, my message is that China is changing like the US is, if not more rapidly. I hope Americans can take a more objective view when looking at China, and respect China's will to become a "normal" member on the international stage.
I believe China will is a matter of time...and it is also a matter of how. My own hope is that the Chinese people will throw off the current totalitarian government and adopt a more representative, republican form of government...and I believe that is happening by degrees.

I also pray that this can occur as it did in most of the East Block countries, without major bloodshed. Communist governments have a horrific track record in this regard, but my hope and prayer is that ultimately it will occur peacefully.