Re: Great China VS U.S war book
As to it destroying the world. I do not thionk so on the scale of use presented in this book. There were far more atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons in the cold war than what occur in this novel, and yet the world still exists. Granted, when infrastructure and cities begin taking hits, the standard of living and availability of many of the creature comforts we take for granted are impacted significantly..
Thanks for the comments and thoughts!
Actually, the use is very limited by the standards of what is available to the nation's involved. The book attempts to establish that BMD defense, on both sides becomes a deterrent to use...particularly to the Chinese who do not in any way want to play to the American strength in this regard. When it is established that both sides are adept at shooting down and destroying tatctical use...strategic use never escalates in the story.I think that this war would cause the extincion of humanity. Nuclear weapons are used frequently (both in military purposes and for the liftoff of spacecraft) and the orbital bombardment weapons would have terrible effects on the planets climate (remember what happened to the dinosaurs?).
As to it destroying the world. I do not thionk so on the scale of use presented in this book. There were far more atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons in the cold war than what occur in this novel, and yet the world still exists. Granted, when infrastructure and cities begin taking hits, the standard of living and availability of many of the creature comforts we take for granted are impacted significantly..
I agree. In this case the innovation is driven by abject need on both sides to emerge victorious. In this case, it is true that war drives technology...that is taken for granted...each side wants to win. As to the other, call it greed, or call it simply the entreprenurial spirit of the free market (which I would characterize as being driven more by profit and the promise of free enterprize more than greed). The fact is, when people are unleashed to use their own free will to their own benefit...and that of their really has a good opportunity to shine.As for the military tactics/technology side of things, I think that the vast technology advances are realistic. Think about the difference in weaponry at the beginning of WWII and the end. In both cases, the basis of the technology exsisted (jet engines, rockets, radar, true aircraft carrier fleets for WWII and advanced space travel, hypersonic aircraft, LRASD weapons and all the other goodies in Dragon's Fury) but were only in beginning stages at the start of the war. At the end of the war, they were developed into a more developed form.
Thanks for the comments and thoughts!