Re: Great China VS U.S war book
Hi Jeff Please do not take any of my previous comments as a critique of your work. I have only had time to skin a couple of first pages and I would be the last to unfairly criticise the fruit of another mans labour (unless it was truly abyssmal).
No problem, did not take them wrong or negatively and appreciate all honset commentary...good or bad. I have no lock-on these types of things.
I hope you realise that my comments were simply a bit of banter with my "ole buddy Ute"
Copy that,,,and glad the two of you are on herebantering!
Best of luck with the novel and I would never accuse anyone of being another Clancy without overwhelming evidence.
Thank you for those wishes. I am certainly no Clancy. He has written many, many great books. Most all of which I have read. I still like his Hunt for Red October and Red Storm Rising best I think, particularly Red Storm Rising from an overall, large scale World War standpoint. No one has really written such a novel since IMHO...and that is what I set out to do.
Later, particularly with The Bear and the Dragon, although the scenario itself I felt was plausible, the way he handled the US technology being an absolute panacea for every thing the Chinese threw at it, was just a little too overdone for me. That's another reason I wrote the series because I believe that adversaries, when confronted on this scale, can and will find means to overcome those advantages.
For example, as Stalin I believe is reported to have said...
Qauntity has a quality all it's own, when speaking of Soviet tank production in WW II when pitted against the (at the time) more technically capable German tanks.