Interesting.. Is this some kind of law of physics or something? If we are living in a simulation as autists like Elon Musk believe, I wonder if even they are surprised by how unalterable this mysterious law of nature is.
I already told you. Law of momentum. CCP has all the momentum now, so anything is a disruption. Also, law of physics; large force overcomes small force. You go to China and you try to topple the CCP, but the CCP and its followers have wayyyyy more force than you and your pathetic attempt to incite anti-CCP sentiment ("Does anyone else feel this way?" Don't make me puke), and they'll put you out of your misery. That is, if people like me who see you in China trying such a thing don't get to you first. What law is that? Mysterious, eh?
So the initial divergence began in the 1600s, maybe even as far back as the 1400s or even 1200s according to some. This is not related to the point I am making and it's an argument for another time. Obviously this has nothing to do with the CCP.
It is very much relevant because it is necessary to determine starting point. You're writing as if the CCP's China started at the same tech level as the West and then fell behind, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. As I said, the CCP inherited a China too far behind Western science to even comprehend and today, it is superior in some areas, and able to challenge in others. All the work of the CCP.
Japan and Korea were not superior to China back then in living standards, yet today they are still significantly so. Why?
Question answered too many times. Short-version: teet-sucking. Long version: go find old posts and figure it out.
West can't make? Or WONT make? You think if the West went full Nazi and autarky they couldn't make everything themselves? They are still ahead on 95-99% of all fronts. Size is the reason China is winning on some fronts, but even there it is not strong enough yet. Size is extremely important to China and all countries to an extent, another area the CCP seems to care less about than maintaining power. One-Child Policy should have been removed decades ago, and STRONGLY incentivizing Han births from upper socioeconomic backgrounds should have been incentivized long ago too. Now what? Is China content with going the way of Japan? Slowly dying out? Worsening dependency ratio every year?
Gimme a citation for the 95-99% claim. I don't buy it. CAN'T make. What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull that everything that the West has over China, it's because of Chinese inability but everything that China has over the West, it's because they "won't" make it? The US WONT make 5G to compete with Huawei? LOL This is self-hatred if you're Chinese. What kind of sinophilia is this??
'Slow and steady' bullshit as ever. Things can be done faster, without significantly increasing risk, something that Germanic people have imbued in their blood, and something East Asians need to promote since this is an inherent flaw. Your argument only has merit because the CCP is the only government China has had in modern history, through the shit eras and the good eras of the last 40 years. I bet the good eras could have been even better. Now CCP is projecting 6% growth. Who knows if that is entirely accurate. And how low it will be in 2021 or 2023 or 2025. At this level of economic development other East Asian countries were still at 8-10% growth.
Everything could have been better everywhere. Nobody's perfect, and the CCP is anything but slow. It got off to a slow start, but now, there is nothing in the world except light itself that is faster than Chinese development. Even Planck's constant is starting to get jealous LOL
I don't understand what you're bullshitting on about 2021, 2023, 2025. Are you trying to get us to condemn the CCP for assumed future events? LOLOL Show me what "level" this is and who was still developing at 8-10%. (And remember that small countries don't grow per capita GDP at the same rate as large countries as all the countries with highest per capita GDP are small economies.) It sounds like pulling numbers out of your ass is your hobby for this post.
You don't even have another Chinese government to even compare to to provide a basis for comparison. The only other alternative is the KMT. Unless you are going to argue Taiwan is a shithole...
Oh, no other to compare, eh? So just tear down the current one and get a second on to compare? Why don't we cut off your head and stick a new one on to compare because I think this one's not working as well as it could? LOL Taiwan? Who's scared of Taiwan? LOL China's here to overtake the US. What's Taiwan gonna do? Have a congress fist fight? LOL
Heard this time and time again, but without evidence given. Just some esoteric hard to grasp factoids without data backing it up. Would I be surprised if America does this? No. Did it do this to Japan? No concrete evidence is ever given. But anyway, what is your point? My point is not to suck America's teet like Japan. I know how Japan has acted with America since WW2. It's pathetic. I would never want that for China. To be a subservient power in exchange for wealth? Of course not.
You heard it time and time again cus it's true. Only question is if you heard it so many times, why haven't you learned yet? Without evidence? Japan's economy was growing too fast so the US forced it to negotiate new economic treaties including its currency. Next thing you know, it tanks. You didn't know that? You're not equipped for this debate, are you?
What I don't want is a China under a government which wastes an inordinate amount of time obsessing so much about remaining in power, and doing anything it can to stay in power, no matter how disadvantageous to the country. Any possible innovation, economic development, demographic policy, massive breakthrough, needs to be done in such a manner so as not to increase the probability of displeasure from the masses if even the probability of that is 0.001%. An Elon Musk SpaceX of China would have taken 2 centuries to have his breakthroughs implemented. This is due to fear of government of anything moving to quickly.
I also don't want China following a Jewish sociopolitical and economic ideology, copied by Slavs and then copied by impoverished Chinese 100 years ago. It's time to leave this Communism and Maoism embarrassing bullshit behind. Are you not embarrassed to be following a social ideology copied by some random impoverished Eastern Europeans, who now wholly disavow that shitpost they made?
Yeah yea, you don't want this, you don't want that. Nobody cares what you want. Here's the fact: the CCP is the leader of team China. They are not perfect, but doing the best job in the world right now. You can't do shit to change this leadership. The only thing you can decide is whether or not you want to be on team China; if you do, then the only thing you can do is accept the CCP as your leader. So do you wanna be on team China, Mr. "Sinophilia"?