Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Gonna shamelessly steal a friend's post on the Trump indictment news:

"WASHINGTON D.C., March 30 (Reuters) — Joseph Biden secured a precedent-breaking judicial victory as President of America this week, as unconfirmed reports have emerged that the main opposition leader, former President Donald Trump, has been arrested. Biden's recent drive to tighten political control over the world's largest economy comes against a backdrop of possible financial crisis and worsening diplomatic challenges.

Biden has taken America on a more authoritarian path since assuming control two years ago, as he tightens his grip on the legislative and judiciary branches. Domestically, America faces a challenging recovery from three years of America's "virus-inclusive" COVID strategy, which has left over a million Americans dead and led to oppressively high inflation in recent months. In an attempt to reinstate control over domestic speech, Biden's party has issued new directives on the usage of social media, which include draconian penalties of up to 20 years in prison. These policies are likely to be approved by both houses of the rubber-stamp parliament."

I would've added something about the extrajudicial police killing of that mass shooter this week, calling it an act of peaceful protest against regime policies of course.

Edit - upon my suggestion, he's too good at this:

"In recent weeks, the Biden regime's restrictions on peaceful protest have pushed some citizens to their breaking point. Marginalized communities have been especially impacted, and are frequently the target of regime police actions under the guise of "anti-terrorism". In one case, the queer rights activist Audrey Hale was gunned down by security forces during a protest in support of the LGBT community. Reuters has confirmed that at least five schoolchildren were killed in the crossfire, very likely a result of the regime's poorly-trained but heavily armed militia—although American government-linked mouthpieces have portrayed Hale as a terrorist and blamed her for the deaths of the children."
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