Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Did an Asian American write this?

No, the
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wrote it. All his crap is literal Five Eyes propaganda--I can't believe China gave (and renews) this guy's visa. In fine British tradition, the author's brother got caught trafficking Heroin in Hong Kong and that's how his dad got fired from MI6.


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No, the
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wrote it. All his crap is literal Five Eyes propaganda--I can't believe China gave (and renews) this guy's visa. In fine British tradition, the author's brother got caught trafficking Heroin in Hong Kong and that's how his dad got fired from MI6.

That’s too bad. I was planning on going camping together with him/her.


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Dam John Cena should join the Washington think tank society and become their China expert.
He probably has better Chinese and better understanding of China than many China experts on think-tanks. I bet he would't write about how CCP is losing the mandate of the heaven or how celetial empire is in danger or how the state council lost face.


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No, the
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wrote it. All his crap is literal Five Eyes propaganda--I can't believe China gave (and renews) this guy's visa. In fine British tradition, the author's brother got caught trafficking Heroin in Hong Kong and that's how his dad got fired from MI6.
The author's bro name is Charles Tatham Ogilvy Rennie. I must commend Brits of the yesteryears for having the ability to offer such intricate names.


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Registered Member Least depraved MIC media rats. A vile plague that must be exterminated.
Sometimes a bear is a just a fucking bear lol

China rents them out because the money is used to help natural preservation at home (mostly of the pandas themselves, which has been extremely succesful), there are no nefarious plots here. If Americans don't like to rent it, what is the word American landlords usually tell rentoids that don't want to pay again? Something about getting out. In this case, it is the bear that gets out tho.


Sometimes a bear is a just a fucking bear lol

China rents them out because the money is used to help natural preservation at home (mostly of the pandas themselves, which has been extremely succesful), there are no nefarious plots here. If Americans don't like to rent it, what is the word American landlords usually tell rentoids that don't want to pay again? Something about getting out. In this case, it is the bear that gets out tho.

I wonder if the willful neglect was a directive from higher-ups. The panda's condition was clearly visible for anyone to see.
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