Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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ERORI is diminishing but it's not the entire story.

1. It doesn't really apply when the energy source is practically unlimited (eg. Wind, Solar). So as long as the investment cost is low enough, it doesn't really matter if it is less efficient.

2. A 500W solar panel uses about 1000 KWh to produce. But in a sunny place like Saudi Arabia or many other places, it typically produces 785 KWh of electricity per year. Over a 25 year guaranteed lifespan with some degradation, you get 17.4 units of energy out. That is a decent return. And you could probably leave it out for another 5 years and get 3 more units of energy out, to get 20.4 units generated in total.

3. The technology and scaling continues to get better with renewables.
Modern captialism and in fact all the current financial models are predicated upon the tenet of perpertual growth. Using the assuming of tomorrows growth as collateral for todays debt and expendatures.

The global framework as is, and especially how America with its suburbs are structured, require as a prerequiste access to cheap and easy credit which was always propped up and underpined by HIGH thresholds of EROEI...

It is this threshold that has diminished, and will inevitably continue to diminish in the coming years and decades ahead... therefore the global order needs to drastically restructure to scale down and America itself needs to revert back to living within its means.

Any way you put it the Era of Abundance is over...

Please stop with the solar is infinite nonsense... hydrocarbons underground is in effect the suns power condensed for billions of years that humanity managed to burn through in just the blink of an eye...

There are essentially infinite stars in our universe too, yet we cant be powered by galatic starlight because only our sun is close enough. Infinite power source means nothing if EROEI isnt sufficently above 1. Or if other rate limit factors wall us in first. Imagine a rodent placed in a hypothetical infinte 2D plane surface with a peanut placed at x lengths apart in all directions forever, an infinite power supply, yet increase x beyond a certain distance and the rat still starves to death if it takes his body to consume more energy to get to, obtain, eat, digest and process that net energy than it takes for him to make the journey to the next peanut

Likewise, you are assuming we can even manage to outlay enough solar to power and maintain current global levels of the first place., but due to what is known as the "Energy Trap", its unlikely this will even be possible... The inhabitants of Easter Island also had unlimited access to sun and wind on their island, and the earth is but a larger scaled 3D island floating in space. Once Easter Islanders hit Peak Trees it was game over for them as they were not able to bootstrap themselves into solving nuclear fusion nor advancing to a Type I Dyson sphere civilization.

If we had another 7 earths worth of clean air, water, sweet crude, uranium, untapped rare earths, all the low hanging fruit of unexploited resources to mine etc and other resources I would agree with you it can be done, however we are already overmargined, depleted, with popullation overshoot and tapped out... and so but as-is the peanuts are layed too far away...


Registered Member
Modern captialism and in fact all the current financial models are predicated upon the tenet of perpertual growth. Using the assuming of tomorrows growth as collateral for todays debt and expendatures.

The global framework as is, and especially how America with its suburbs are structured, require as a prerequiste access to cheap and easy credit which was always propped up and underpined by HIGH thresholds of EROEI...

It is this threshold that has diminished, and will inevitably continue to diminish in the coming years and decades ahead... therefore the global order needs to drastically restructure to scale down and America itself needs to revert back to living within its means.

Any way you put it the Era of Abundance is over...

Please stop with the solar is infinite nonsense... hydrocarbons underground is in effect the suns power condensed for billions of years that humanity managed to burn through in just the blink of an eye...

There are essentially infinite stars in our universe too, yet we cant be powered by galatic starlight because only our sun is close enough. Infinite power source means nothing if EROEI isnt sufficently above 1. Or if other rate limit factors wall us in first. Imagine a rodent placed in a hypothetical infinte 2D plane surface with a peanut placed at x lengths apart in all directions forever, an infinite power supply, yet increase x beyond a certain distance and the rat still starves to death if it takes his body to consume more energy to get to, obtain, eat, digest and process that net energy than it takes for him to make the journey to the next peanut

Likewise, you are assuming we can even manage to outlay enough solar to power and maintain current global levels of the first place., but due to what is known as the "Energy Trap", its unlikely this will even be possible... The inhabitants of Easter Island also had unlimited access to sun and wind on their island, and the earth is but a larger scaled 3D island floating in space. Once Easter Islanders hit Peak Trees it was game over for them as they were not able to bootstrap themselves into solving nuclear fusion nor advancing to a Type I Dyson sphere civilization.

If we had another 7 earths worth of clean air, water, sweet crude, uranium, untapped rare earths, all the low hanging fruit of unexploited resources to mine etc and other resources I would agree with you it can be done, however we are already overmargined, depleted, with popullation overshoot and tapped out... and so but as-is the peanuts are layed too far away...


I just pointed out Solar PV EROEI is 17.4

My models of N-type solar panels being mass-produced this year is 26.7
This figure is comparable to gas or coal. Note that Coal is still abundant as usual

The rest of what you've written is simply not relevant.
In the long-run, we are entering an age of energy abundance.

What we see today is a difficult transition period where renewables haven't scaled up enough yet, and the existing hydrocarbon infrastructure has been under-invested


Senior Member
Registered Member
Sir how much western freedom do you want?


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You don't hoover up technical info and become an SME on stuff you don't kinda get warm and fuzzies from deep down. I like China as a country. The people were (by and large) sincere, good people; the landscape is rad, the tech scene was second-to-none (I still wanna go back to Shenzen and buy a trillion of those 20RMB knockoff phones from a computer center lol), and in general - there's at least that almost like... societal innocence? I don't know how to describe it. Everything seems like it's not weighed down by like 5 layers of pessimism and social irony. People generally viewed the future as likely to be brighter than how it was, and that's something I can't say about the US.

That's exactly the feeling I get. To put it in simpler terms:

China is like the (original) Star Trek Federation, with boundless optimism and a desire to explore the frontiers of mankind.

The US today is like the WH40K Imperium of Man, where you can forget about the promise of progress and understanding, for there is nothing in the grim dark future except war.

(Ironically, as Sci-Fi settings, I vastly prefer WH40K over Star Trek.)
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