Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Trying to convince communist party/nation are nazis while being on the same team that spawned nazis everywhere and are supporting multiple nazis in Ukraine.

Words have lost meaning in the west.... o_O
I'm surprised that most people here are shocked by western support to neo Nazis, reason Hitler is hated isn't due to his ideology rather most people ended up being dead by his shenanigans were Europeans


Registered Member

Can't tell if this canuckmutt is joking or not.
How long before I see a pick me Russian call himself an orc?
"things propaganda perverted to horrible lengths and then they lose their shit, empathy goes into toilet and they start saying some dumb horrible shit repeating fucked up propaganda takes almost word in word. I'm serious, it's horrifying."

Oh boy someone is in for a surprise when they talk with an American about iranians/iraqis/afghans/vietnamese/koreans/chinese/africans/russians... And the list goes on.

Who knew when you have a Gorby that copies the western system your citizens will start acting like westerners? *shocked pikachu face


Registered Member
Good luck.
Nothing new, the actual nazis also made propaganda alluding to how the allies were the real™ oppressors/nazis. They used examples of racism in US to paint the entire allies as racist, even as they themselves practiced a much worse version of US racist laws and the majority of the Allies were not racist at all.

The modern USA is:

1. Expansionist, constantly eyeing civil wars they can interfere into and weak countries they can take over.

2. Intends to reshape the world order into a dictatorial one where their word is law.

3. Believes point 2 in absolutes, you're either with us or against us.

4. Believes itself to be the vanguard of western/white civilization fighting everyone else.

5. Inherited the personnel of the former Axis and put them in major positions including NATO secretary general.

These points irrefutably show that US is the ideological inheritor of the 3rd Reich, a fact which even actual hardcore US nationalists admit to and freely embrace. Americans who claim otherwise are either deluded by propaganda or deliberately gaslighting.
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