Not sure where this fits in.
In AR scenario, the logistics / escalation potential over evacuation of 750,000 foreign nationals from TW is going to be interesting, especially if airfields / maritime facilities to resupply TW are going to be zero hour targets. My thinking is that PRC needs to spell out sooner than later that since TW is legally considered Chinese territory that any unauthorized efforts to exfil is legally an attack on sovereign Chinese soil. Domestic optics would view it as such regardless. Which leaves PRC/PLA asserting control over coordinating extraction/repatriation, preferably via secured TW port, that even without PLA taking, there will likely be global pressure on TW admin to allow. Which begs the followup, where to? IMO, if smart, directly to the mainland via maritime routes where foreign nationals will be processed. Which itselfs opens up the legal status / drama of foreign nationals operating on TW (read: Chinese soil) without valid PRC authorization. Which opens up all sorts of hostage drama / strategy options. Look up stats for foreign residents on island, risk to their nationals in TW will likely deter most of the region from cooperating with US intervention until evacuation. 750k will take lots of time, and ships, that itself makes anti shipping activity in TW strait (by TW or US et al)... complicated. And every evacuation ship going to the island is an opportunity to unload PLA assets. Also mitigates TW talent being paper clipped away, while mininizing chances of "enemies of the state" from escaping to their golden parachutes in west.
Related strategic/lawfare tomfoolery that should be implemented years prior would be to "encourage" foreign nationals on TW to apply for VISA via mainland, which will erode TW sovereignty, undermine migrant labour economy, possibly discourage/make lives difficult for increasing western PRC watchers and ex mainland media relocating to TW. The implication being if one doesn't have the proper PRC stamps, when shit goes down, one can't really expect to be treated as anything but a spy/hostile/illegal migrant subject to PRC domestic laws.
Of course if implemented prematurely, could also backfire spectacularly.