Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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The Punisher
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The moderator team has decided to move this thread to the World Armed Forces section, as it is now less about the military strategy in the Taiwan Strait, and more focused on the news from around the world. Additionally, moving it to this section of the forum allows our World Affairs moderators to help with maintaining professionalism in the discussions here.


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Yeah okay, let's get the topic back on track a bit.

Yesterday's Guanqi and Monday's guancha livestream from Shilao and Ayi touched on this. Now that the exercise is over and we have US throwing the first punch and China punching right back harder we would normally expect both to go back to their corner of the ring and wait for next round. However the US after getting punched unexpected in the month doesn't seem to want to do this and seem to want to continue this round of the crisis with another counter move of their own. Judging from all the noise they're making about FONOP Ayi has come up with three possible response USN might take in the near future:

weak response: sail a noncombat ship from USNS through the strait
moderate response: sail an AB or a Tico through the strait
strong response: sail the USS Ronald Reagan through the strait ala 1996

The weak response is so weak that I can't see even DPP media can spin that as as win.

Ayi judged the strong response to also be unlikely - sailing the carrier through the death trap that is the strait is a big gamble comparable to PLAAF sending manned aircraft over the main island - you are basically risking the lives of your soldiers on a bet that the other guy won't take this opportunity to open fire. Only in this case a carrier is much more higher value target than a fighter. Should USN attempt to do this PLAN could do all sorts of crazy thing like racing Liaoning and Shandong to the strait and block both ends physically trapping the carrier in the middle.

The moderate response is therefore the most likely. But given that sort of FONOP is also the status quo it seems hard to try to sell it as a win. And in any case PLAN could just dog pile that ship and make it look like a walk of shame by numbers.

Could anyone thing of any other possible response USN could take to recover some face?


The amateur me would predict:

1. US Navy will sail an AB/Tico through the Taiwan Strait via Taiwan's side of the Median Line.

2. PLAN will mobilize small Fishing Militia team (around 3-6 big size fishing vessels) to harass US AB/Tico, with the intention to block and as "Bumper Ships" to block & push them away. Worse case scenario, Fishing Militia will ram their ships into US Navy.

China Fishing Militia.jpeg
Above, Chinese Fishing Militia Fleet

3. All these actions will be under the watch and help of China Coast Guard vessels, while crisscrossing on the Median Line as and when necessary. Warning and communication with US Navy will be done by China Coast Guard, ready to take legitimate actions like how any Coast Guard of any country would take, including option to fire their water cannon and naval gun (newer batch China Coast Guard vessels are equipped with naval gun due to the Japanese ones), and pushing & ramming into US vessel.

China Coast Guard with guns02.png
Above, China Coast Guard vessel with Naval Gun

4. PLAN vessels will monitor and stay on Mainland's side of the Median Line with some distance away while monitoring, assisting and guiding both Chinese Fishing Militia and Coast Guard actions, with options to respond with light to heavy firing options on US AB/Tico.

5. This is a 3-lines defense set-up. First, Fishing Militia. Second, Coast Guard. Third, PLAN.

6. This defense set-up will await further actions from US Navy. If they open fire on Chinese Fishing Militia & Coast Guard for ramming and defensive maneuvers, both China Coast Guard & PLAN have the option and will return fire in kind. Whether all these it will amount to sinking of any vessels on both side will depend on that day's action.

7. In short, Chinese will do everything they can to defend and harass US Navy vessel (and Taiwanese vessels if they joined in), while waiting and trapping them to fire the first shot. After the first shot, all hell breaks loose with bitching rights fall on PLAN "because the US Navy fired the first shot, FIRST". Boss China wins, politically. :p ;)


Registered Member
Have we considered the possibility of the USG using non official cover (NOC) mercenaries, effectively "Saurdaukar in Harkonnen livery" in Taiwan itself? Much like how NATO used its own US/UK Special Forces and specially trained fanatical Ukrainian Units to embed, steel and firm up Ukrainian battalions? Or rather, how Russians used "polite green men" to seize Crimea?
(I personally think Tsai herself is already being guarded by American NOC Special Forces with plans to flee the country to the loitering US Carrier in case of AR).


Registered Member
Have we considered the possibility of the USG using non official cover (NOC) mercenaries, effectively "Saurdaukar in Harkonnen livery" in Taiwan itself? Much like how NATO used its own US/UK Special Forces and specially trained fanatical Ukrainian Units to embed, steel and firm up Ukrainian battalions? Or rather, how Russians used "polite green men" to seize Crimea?
(I personally think Tsai herself is already being guarded by American NOC Special Forces with plans to flee the country to the loitering US Carrier in case of AR).
It would be easy to tell if this was happening: watch for rape cases in the news.


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However, I completely disagree that China should reveal its true nuclear might until the invasion of Taiwan commence or at worst 3 month ahead. This way, it will send shock and awe to the US while giving US no time to properly react!

This actually might be a good idea. If they reveal it immediately after completion (not immediately prior to AR), Taiwan might become a "nuclear flashpoint"- people will automatically assume it means a nuclear exchange, like West Berlin, and then if war comes be inclined to go nuclear.

But if they suddenly reveal it just prior to AR, it would cause a shock similar to Putin's "you will face consequences never before seen in your history" warning, and deter them from intervening.

BTW Xi doing a similar message to Putin wouldn't work because such a strategy would run counter to the no first use policy. So a surprise announcement, making it official, could serve a similar purpose without violating state policy.

So all China has to really do to get Japan on side is to wait out the old timers and get stronger without needlessly escalating tensions (doesn't mean not escalate tensions, but do so only when advantageous).

I'd say given Japanese population boom in the 50s-70s, and how many of the most influential people in Japan were born in the 50s-70s, it could be that Japan's popular opinion shift in the 2030s (people born in the 50s getting too old, people born in the 60s and 70s retiring) would coincide with a big power shift on the ground. Meanwhile those born in the 80s and 90s would be getting into politically active age. By that point Japan is likely to change the status quo to one more favoring China.

Another thing is two big earthquakes we are expecting sometime this century- one south of Shikoku which will likely reach Osaka and the rest of the Kansai region, and one in Tokyo similar to the 1923 earthquake. Both of these will be similar in size to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

This would provide a huge opportunity to flex Chinese soft power in helping to rebuild and partake in rescue efforts.

Japan won't be able to rebuild on its own due to the economic problems caused by population decline, and America just won't be able to do what China could do because... it just can't and it is declining. Right wing politicians would scream "China threat!!!!111!!!11!!1" but no one would care- people just want their homes back and the economy up and running.

People tolerate the far right now because they have been around for so long without causing problems and most live in relative peace and prosperity, but to see these same people telling the masses to tolerate living in prefab homes and having their children eat two meals a day to "defend the country from China" will cause serious opposition and marginalize the right wing. Especially once the current youth becomes the ruling generation one day, people aren't going to have it.

The concentration of so much of the economy in Tokyo will cause the Kanto earthquake to be especially devastating. The image of Chinese companies helping to rebuild people's homes and revive the economy will do a lot to sway people towards China, and in turn away from the US.

This is an optimistic outcome but China should definitely be active as well as exploiting the passive means to the fullest extent.


Registered Member
Is there a thread better suited to discussing media strategy? It’s come up a fair bit in the last few pages, but I can’t see any obvious thread for it to go in.

I think some members have previously suggested creating one.
If you want, I'll kick it off by reposting some of my past musings.

The key narrative is that China's rise is a good thing in the world, which there is a strong case for. For example:

China delivers global prosperity. A wealthy prosperous China will drag up incomes in the rest of the world. 7 out of 8 billion people in the world live in low or middle-income countries.

Or China will likely make the world carbon-neutral and therefore prevent catastrophic climate change
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