FFG 054/054A Thread

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New Member
I guess the chinese prefer others to speculate , let them waste time and money on them rather than spend money for press confrence :p ,a few question ... the current revolver vls not actually revolver right? they had their own lid (though not install on 054a) and how is the size of box style vls 16 or 32 missles is compareable to size of vls on 052c ?


Senior Member
I guess the chinese prefer others to speculate , let them waste time and money on them rather than spend money for press confrence :p ,a few question ... the current revolver vls not actually revolver right? they had their own lid (though not install on 054a) and how is the size of box style vls 16 or 32 missles is compareable to size of vls on 052c ?

The Chinese rotary-style VLS is not a revolver style VLS, in that each missile silo has its own lid. The box style VLS is obviously more compact, as there is less empty space between each silo.


VIP Professional
apparently, this picture from the 054A in HD is suppose to show something, but I don't see anything. I will leave it up to you guys.
The guy wrote this on Chinese forums
which translates to "According to insiders: VLS not related to the launch of two portholes tilt the face!"
I am guessing that the roof structure is just there to provide temporary cover for VLS lids.

okay, this is probably far more convincing.

Looks like Mk. 41 style That means four lids on each row, two lids set back to back.


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here are some new photos from HP shipyard. There are some pictures of 022, but I didn't bother getting them. Apparently, there is definitely a 3rd 054A under construction in HP and there is also a closed area built just for 022 construction.
Anyhow, the first 054A





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the second 054A in HP, looks like taking shape pretty fast.

close up view

further out, you can see the 022 under construction more clearly.


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I really do hope this will put an end to the VLS debate.






VIP Professional
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Well after recovering from the first blow this new relevation just raised tons of new questions...

It seems that there is 32 hatches if you focus on the centreline (coloured in red in my pic collase) But that would mean that the hatches are actually quite weird shape, Rectangle and not square (or almoust square) as you would expect a missile sile being. No missile is that shape...

So it leaves to options. Either there is actually four missiles under each hathc but that would make the total number of missiles to 64! which isen't even theoretically possiple in ships of this class...So it pretty much leaves us with one missile silo having "dual opening" eg. the hach open to one silo in two parts like carrage door...

So I'm more and more with 16 missiles...but I say my final word after clear photo taken from good bird angle which reveals all the secrets...


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