FFG 054/054A Thread

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VIP Professional
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well not so long afterwards...

Is it just me but doesent they look suspiciosly white and plastic??

There is just something wrong in the pictures, but I hate to be wrong...but seriosly, nothing is that white.......Looks like someone has took a pic from some model kit, put little plastic bags atop the orekhs and placed it with the bow and main gun of th 071....

pictures been brightened with photoshop...


Lieutenant General
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pictures been brightened with photoshop...
yeah, it looks a little too bright. Also, same thing with the 071 LPD. It looks a little too bright to me. Never mind after looking at the previous 071 pictures from the 16th, it looks alright. 054A just stands out looking really weird.


Senior Member
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If they are faked, then they are extremely consistant in small details, like the port datalink radome being blue rather than white. I reckon it's just a basic photo-enhancement.

Re the Type-054A, those four fire control radars look different to on previous warships. They are huge.

Re the Type-071, that's also an AK-176 76mm main gun.

Golly, look again at the pic Tphuang posted, there is no green cover on the main gun and it's clearly an AK-176 with the 'new' casing.


Lieutenant General
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generally, the picture looks real enough, anyhow. this is the final one coming out of HD.

They were speculating this to be a new 054A, but it looks to be earlier in the construction than the first photos of the second 054A we saw.


VIP Professional
In this angle perhaps...but in other angels those things looks exactly like the Orekhs...

...We need to wait untill the canvans are take away, then we can make more proper assumptions...

They look like Orekhs in the new picture, but wait, that's just way too big to be Orekhs.v For illuminators they're huge.


VIP Professional
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the new pics are in my obinion a model scale to PS into real picture of the 071in building....But I agree, they look rather odd, too big and the radome part is too small and short.


VIP Professional
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Here ya go Planeman, you can get a good guess now of the length of the 054A


VIP Professional
Too big to be actual Orekhs, unless the Orekhs themselves just have a revision we don't know about, which is unlikely though.

Still if these work as illuminators, you have to be bigger for a reason, and that usually means more power emission and greater signal gain from a larger antenna. This can mean the illumination range may be longer than the Orekhs, and quite possibly, the missiles may have a longer range than Shtil. This does not look like navalized SD-10 at this point. Leaves me with more questions than answers.


Lieutenant General
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this is posted in several places, but I figure might as well add it here.
- from "PLA daily" on december 20th
黄浦江新船出坞,部分江面禁止通航 沪海航[2006]493号 ]
huangpu river (in Shanghai) has new ships coming out, prohibit traffic
in 21st of December from 10 to 11 am and 4 to 5 pm
Hudong shipyard has launching ship
method, new ship getting launched using 5 (something)


VIP Professional
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BTW I don't know if you guys noticed but you see that orange/red box? Isn't that the VLS?
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