FFG 054/054A Thread

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Junior Member
There is a comment that should interest many of you. Look carefully at the Type 730 CIWS and you will see that it is smaller than those on other Chinese Destroyers. Perhaps some work on reducing the size of the CIWS ????


Junior Member
There is a comment that should interest many of you. Look carefully at the Type 730 CIWS and you will see that it is smaller than those on other Chinese Destroyers. Perhaps some work on reducing the size of the CIWS ????

Looks the same size to me, it's just turned sideways.


Banned Idiot
054A look like compact version of 168/169 DDG,frigate size ship carrying 169 DDG weapon and radar system.
PLAN may have realized that 168/169 is to expensive to maintain,therefore they decided upgrade 054 ,carrying the 168/169 radar.weapon and sensor .


Banned Idiot
do I speculate follow up to 054A? something like 054B in the future.possible that PLAN may have planning 054A version with 170/171 radar system.the technology do exist.already small AESA small enough to fit it small frigate or even corvette providing the small ship "cut down" AEGIS type platform.Israel plan to install MLSTAR type radar system for Saar type corvette,norwegian and spanish navy already using SPY-2 AESA radar system.


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alright, more stuff from HuDong shipyard. I also posted one with just 071 on the 071 thread.
Looks like HD's 054A is starting to finally shape up



now, they claim this is the 2nd 054A under construction in HD.


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054As from HD
The first one

The second one


New Member
054As from HD

The second one

Are we sure that this is indeed the second 054A hull? It is way to early to draw the conclusion. For all concerned this could very well be the corvette constructed for the Thai Navy.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Are we sure that this is indeed the second 054A hull? It is way to early to draw the conclusion. For all concerned this could very well be the corvette constructed for the Thai Navy.
In my opinion, this picture makes it very clear that this vessel is indeed a Type 054A.



Lieutenant General
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Are we sure that this is indeed the second 054A hull? It is way to early to draw the conclusion. For all concerned this could very well be the corvette constructed for the Thai Navy.
I guess you can wait a few weeks for more photos to come out. That will be the best evidence.

I think PLAN might take a couple of paths here.
1) continue production after the first 4 054As and just improve different sensors and control systems and iron out the problems.
2) go through the same process as 054 to 054A and make a similar leap in 054A to 054B.
I wonder which one they will take.
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