F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I love this pic of the F-35...coming at you!


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Tyrant King
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I love this pic of the F-35...coming at you!


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F-35 Weapons Tests in 2014 Focus On Amraam
By Amy Butler
Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology

January 13, 2014
Credit: U.S. Navy/Erik Hildebrandt
With weapons testing becoming a more regular event for the F-35 program, developers are looking ahead to a fast pace of trials this year to prepare for the first operational use of the stealthy, single-engine fighter by the U.S. Marine Corps in 2015.

Delivering weapons is often described as the “business end” of a fighter's job, and the Marines are planning to declare initial operational capability (IOC) for the F-35B using the aircraft's 2B software release as early as July 2015, and no later than December 2015, the service hopes. Though limited to use of three weapons—the 1,000-lb. GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), GBU-12 500-lb. Laser-Guided Bomb and Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (Amraam) AIM-120 series—the F-35B will surpass the current capability of the AV-8B Harrier jump jet and F/A-18C twin-engine Hornets, says Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle, commandant for Marine Corps aviation.

The F-35 Joint Program Office plans to complete its weapons flight testing for use of these systems and the 2B software by March of 2015 to accommodate the service's IOC aspirations, says Charlie Wagner, weapons team lead for the program.

The U.S. Air Force is planning to follow quickly with an IOC declaration as early as August 2016 and no later than December of that year with its F-35A, using the 3I software release, which includes the limited 2B weapons capability, new processing hardware and the addition of the 2,000-lb. GBU-31 JDAM that shares the same software as its smaller, 1,000-lb. cousin. The U.S. Navy will follow later with an IOC between August 2018-February 2019. All nine partner nations—and three other confirmed buyers—are eager to ramp up weapons testing for the aircraft.

Roughly 11 shots remain to be tested with the limited 2B software package, Wagner says. The 3F flight-test campaign for weapons will be far more extensive, with more than 30 guided launches now planned. The 3F software is aligned with far more weapons, including: the 250-lb. Small-Diameter Bomb (SDB) I GBU-39; AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon; 2,000-lb. JDAM employing the BLU-109 penetrator warhead; a general purpose 2,000-lb. Mk. 84 bomb; the Paveway IV laser-guided bomb; and AIM-132 Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile (both for the U.K.), as well as the use of external stores.

By the end of last year, developers had conducted guided tests of all three weapons for the USMC IOC, the last of which was a guided flight for the GBU-32, a trial that suffices for Marine Corps, as both JDAMs use the same software, Wagner says.

The most challenging testing, however, is yet to come, as overseers will run the F-35 and the Amraam against increasingly complicated threats. “Every shot we take is getting more and more complex,” Wagner says. The Amraam's mission to destroy airborne threats is the most challenging of the three USMC IOC weapons, and the weapon's flight profile in a chase can create highly stressing conditions for its data link to communicate with the F-35 for targeting updates.

Now that safe separation and motor firing have been demonstrated, the team is focusing on accuracy. Eventually, the F-35 and Amraam will be pitted against increasingly complex electronic countermeasures (ECM) to verify that they are effective in realistic threat environments.

The F-35, which employs an unprecedented suite of electro-optical and infrared sensors as well as a premier active, electronically scanned array (AESA), is equipped to maximize the use of the Amraam, especially the forthcoming D model, which features an improved data link and upgraded capabilities in a heavy ECM environment.

Wagner says the team will test with a variety of Amraam models, including the C3, C5 and C7, which has upgraded electronics cards. The full capability of the D will be reached with the Block IV F-35 weapons release. “We are talking to it like it is a C7,” Wagner says of the new D, which remains in protracted development as Raytheon sorts through technical challenges.

The Block IV capability is slated to be operational in 2020-22, Wagner says. The majority of the remaining launches in the 2B test campaign will expand the use of Amraam and experiment with its various modes of employment.

Although with the bay doors open, the F-35 generates vibration levels exceeding those against which the Amraam has been tested, “right now I don't have any indication this is an aircraft problem,” Wagner says. “Because the bay doors are open for only a very limited amount of time, . . . that short duration is significant, but it is not something that I am too worried about.”

Close-in weapons, such as the AIM 9X Sidewinder and the gun (externally mounted for the Marine Corps and internally mounted for the Air Force), will require the expanded capability and flight envelope of the 3F software package used on the aircraft.

Also included in the 3F package will be the more exotic non-kinetic effects the AESA can have on targets, such as electronic attack. “We start turning the systems on in 2B, but they get matured and refined as we go into 3F,” Wagner says.

Along with a hearty set of weapons tests in 2014, the F-35 program also will emphasize preparations for F-35C aircraft carrier trials.

Engineers are continuing to refine data on potential thermal issues in the weapons bay as it carries ordnance. “The data that we have gotten so far show that the bay can get hot,” Wagner says. “But it is only in specific parts of the flight envelope on specific days where we start seeing temperatures that are high enough that cause us concern.”

He notes that the team is incorporating lessons from the storage and use of weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq, both extreme heat environments, including how hot weapons can be before they are loaded into the bay and called upon during a mission.

Wagner says the thermal and vibration analysis should be complete in the next 15 months, in line with wrapping up testing for the USMC IOC.

The use of the so-called Gen 2 F-35 helmet, which lacks a new night camera function and anti-jitter equipment planned for the Gen 3 upgrade, is not a limiting factor for testing weapons for the 2B release, Wagner says. The integrated helmet-mounted display with the more advanced features will, however, be needed if the F-35 is called upon for close-in fights that require pilots to use Amraam or AIM 9X missiles against targets at extremely high off-boresight angles.

Though not part of the USMC or USAF IOC plans, developers have begun fit tests of the GBU-39 SDB. At 250 lb., it is designed to allow for the use of a four-pack in place of each store sized for a 2,000-lb. GBU-32 JDAM, maximizing the number of ground targets a single F-35 can attack. Wagner says that during fit and pit tests, the only issue has been a need to move some wiring bundles for safe operation.

Meanwhile, the F-35 test program is looking to trim cost where possible. As the top aviation procurement priority for the Defense Department, it has been largely shielded from the cuts gutting other aircraft projects. But the pressure is on to reduce the costs estimated at nearly $400 billion to develop and field the aircraft. Wagner says the weapons team is looking to execute as many drops as possible in a single sortie to save some money. Typically, weapons tests include one drop for one sortie, but Wagner estimates as much as $250,000 can be saved by eliminating a single flight. The team managed to drop two weapons in a recent, single test flight, he says.

Copyright © 2014, Penton
getting fangs on the lightning.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I'm waiting to see the F-35C aboard a Nimitz. class. I believe the first traps and cat shots are do to take place later this year aboard. It should have happened last year but the tailhook problem slowed things down a bit.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

tailhook problem slowed things

Normaly first test on CVN this year.

IOC planned for 2019 with Block 3i software, carry AIM-120, GBU-12 LGB, GBU-32 JDAM, AIM-9X and AGM-154.

USMC and USAF F-35 IOC more soon ( 2015/16 ) as planned with Block 2B yet, carry only AIM-120, GBU-12 LGB and GBU-32 JDAM.

USN less hurry because she use yet about 500 Super Hornet, in more 100 Growler.

Planned integration internally of 6 AIM-120 with Block 5, expected to be available by 2021.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I'm waiting to see the F-35C aboard a Nimitz. class. I believe the first traps and cat shots are do to take place later this year aboard. It should have happened last year but the tailhook problem slowed things down a bit.

Yes, I am very excited about the carrier quals of the F-35c, now those will be some pics of big bird coming aboard at 145knts, kerplunk, sssshhhhhhhhhwwwwossshhhhhh!!!!!ping, chink!ffffffweeeessshhh.........ssschchhoowwweeeeeee, ffffewwww...........zooooooooooohhh! get it??? ggoot it???? good


re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Yes. The 100th production F-35 made its first flight on December 15, 2013:

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I don't like this. They haven't finished all the testing yet of this plane and they are already entering production. The more planes they produce now the more planes they will have to retrofit later on. How was Lockheed Martin able to convince the US government to start producing the plane even before all the testing was done ? For Lockheed Martin this is smart, because this sets the ball rolling and plants are chunking out plane parts across the country. This makes it politically difficult to cancel the project as jobs across the country are now involved. And its not only American jobs that are on the line. It involves jobs in partner countries as well which makes it even more difficult to cancel the project. For better or for worst the Americans and her allies are stuck with this plane.

Personally i think that the F/A-18 Advanced Hornet is a better platform for USN carriers. What a beauty ! But for political reasons this plane won't stand a chance and all the USN carriers will eventually have F-35C's.



re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I don't like this. They haven't finished all the testing yet of this plane and they are already entering production. The more planes they produce now the more planes they will have to retrofit later on. How was Lockheed Martin able to convince the US government to start producing the plane even before all the testing was done ? For Lockheed Martin this is smart, because this sets the ball rolling and plants are chunking out plane parts across the country. This makes it politically difficult to cancel the project as jobs across the country are now involved. And its not only American jobs that are on the line. It involves jobs in partner countries as well which makes it even more difficult to cancel the project. For better or for worst the Americans and her allies are stuck with this plane.

Personally i think that the F/A-18 Advanced Hornet is a better platform for USN carriers. What a beauty ! But for political reasons this plane won't stand a chance and all the USN carriers will eventually have F-35C's.


I somewhat agree. If I'm running the show I would restart or continue the F-22 procurement including new improve variants like F-22 C/D etc, concentrate on the F-35 Alpha mainly to replace the Vipers primarily.. forget the Bravo and Charlie altogether and have Navy go all in on the Advance Super Hornet as their primary carrier borne strike aircraft.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I don't like this. They haven't finished all the testing yet of this plane and they are already entering production. The more planes they produce now the more planes they will have to retrofit later on. How was Lockheed Martin able to convince the US government to start producing the plane even before all the testing was done ? For Lockheed Martin this is smart, because this sets the ball rolling and plants are chunking out plane parts across the country. This makes it politically difficult to cancel the project as jobs across the country are now involved.
As I have said numerous time...this aircraft is not going to be canceled.

The US typically produces new aircraft in a fashion where LRIP is conducted while tests are conducted in phases for integrating various weapons systems and other advanced capabilities.

There is a lot of new technology involved with this aircraft, so they are implementing it in phases with their various software releases that involve various types of weapons systems.

But its basic stealth, avionics, and air to air and air to ground weapons will be available at IOC.

The same has occurred with other new aircraft, just as it is also occurring with the new Ford carrier and the new Zumwalt DDG.

Also remember that this aircraft is going to be produced in the thousands, so these initial aircraft are simply greasing the skids for training and preparedness.

Frabnklin said:
the F/A-18 Advanced Hornet is a better platform for USN carriers. What a beauty ! But for political reasons this plane won't stand a chance and all the USN carriers will eventually have F-35C's.
No, IMHO, it is not be a "better" solution. But it will be a complimentary solution. The F-35C is not meant to replace the F-18 Super Hornet in the US Navy fleet.

I expect you will see the Super Hornet's upgraded to the Advanced Super Hornet configuration over time to gain the stealth and fuel benefits the Adfvanced Hornet offers so the US Navy can take advantage of both.

As it is, the F-35C will be the most network centric aircraft ever produced and this will allow it to generate very significant force multipliers that the Super Hornets will never be able to replicate. The F-35C will also be a 5th generation fighter out of the chute with better stealth as well.

However, since it is meant to be a more of an attack aircraft in its fighter/bomber role, it is also not as strong in its ability to carry the type of air dominance ordinance that the F/A-18E/F can carry, particularly as they get the Advanced Hornet upgrades to give them a near 5th generation capability.

So, as I said, they will compliment each other.

I would not be surprised, in the air dominance role, because of the superb situational awareness capabilities and mini AEW&C capabilities of the F-35C to see one or two of them accompany F-18 Super Hoprnets in the air domincane role to afford them that force multiplier effect.
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