Enlarge this photo and see what I mean by "organic", as in a living creature of the air,,, folks this is a textbook stealthy "Lifting Body"! Gone are those old nasty ugly "hard angles", this bird lives for the air, even without OVT, it will go right for those "incredible, angles of attack",,!
Yes, I know the FCS has dialed the available stick limit back to 50 degrees angle of attack, but that is ALL available as fast as you can pull that stick back and take those Gs, in an instantaneous turn rate! the aerodynamics give you an incredible margin, the FCS keeps you well inside that margin, for your own safety....
watch the videos, study the pictures, I can assure you tonight, that folks at Chengdu, Shenyang, and Sukhoi are, they are going over these proofs with a fine tooth comb, and let me assure you, if we have pics or vids of the J-20, FC-31, or T-50???? we are doing the same thing, but really this is how its done!
If that was a Colt, Springfield Armory, or whoevers 1911, we would call that shaping a "tactical melt"! so it would fit your hand without any sharp edges or "hot spots", that very same principle is also sound aerodynamically,,, it reduces drag, and increases lift! beautiful sensual airplane, she is as they say, "stacked and packed!" also a gunny term, but Terran prolly understands where I'm going with this, just gorgeous, voluptuous and gorgeous!
actually I posted the wrong picture, I'm talking about the top picture of the "bottom side", whoa, that is a clean airplane, cleans and SMOOTH! I bet it even smells good!
in fact this airplane is so pretty, and so clean, sweet??? I may stop "pining away over the Raptor",,,, I'm definitely enjoying looking at "little sister"?? I may even move her up to "numero uno!",,, !
as I was typing that last sentence?? the "Honey Badger" stepped around the corner and asked " What was that look", yes this airplane looks that good! she checked the screen to see what I was looking at too!