F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
1st August today :) so now IOC for A variant can be declared annouced imminent

Some explanantions
Initial operating capability or Initial operational capability (IOC) is the state achieved when a
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is available in its minimum usefully deployable form. The term is often used in
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After FOC in general 2/3 years after.

Years planned for IOC by blocks :
Block 2b 2015
Block 3i 2016
Block 3F 2018/19 first true combat capable block
Block 4 2021
Block 5 2023/24


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Yep, the USAF is declaring IOC as soon as Monday, as per the Air Force Magazine Daily Report this morning, could one of you smart boys post a link please?? The F-35A is cleared of all G limitations with the nitrogen inerting on the fuel system. I believe the initial squadron is at Hill AFB, Utah, and they are indeed ready to go fight, contrary to all the Nay Sayers. So before we post some of those non-sense articles, check your six, AFB has your six O'clock!

I like whan you get excited as it hehe and i have find a big Nay Sayers for you :)

Why Declaring F-35 Initial Operating Capability Is Meaningless
In many countries, a public servant who knowingly makes a false statement is liable for punishment, but in this case the director of the F-35 Joint Program Office and the Pentagon’s Undersecretary for Acquisition are both still in place, while the Marine Corps Commandant who declared IOC was promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
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Ouch ! :rolleyes:

I don't know this guy according last reports from Nellis i don' t have this opinion, F-35B don' t do training but take part to an excercise with big success and do it from several months... :cool:

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I like whan you get excited as it hehe and i have find a big Nay Sayers for you :)

Ouch ! :rolleyes:

I don't know this guy according last reports from Nellis i don' t have this opinion, F-35B don' t do training but take part to an excercise with big success and do it from several months... :cool:

Yep, he lives in Paris, and is the Editor in Chief of his own little Paper, he's almost all opinion, with no hard data points, and he has a good little business. He's Italian, has live in the states, now back in Paris. (Which doesn't make him a bad guy, he just likes to critique the F-35 and various other US.

If you do a goggle search, SMSgt Mac, at "Elements Of Power", his own blog, refutes Giovanni's assertions, I would also encourage you to read SMSgt Mac's response to the lowering of the F-35s Max Sustained G loading, in which SMS
I like whan you get excited as it hehe and i have find a big Nay Sayers for you :)

Ouch ! :rolleyes:

I don't know this guy according last reports from Nellis i don' t have this opinion, F-35B don' t do training but take part to an excercise with big success and do it from several months... :cool:

Sorry Bub, my comments about Giovanni became interspersed with your own post, maybe on the Mods could sort it out. In any respect, Giovanni is an out-spoken critic of the F-35, but "trashing" General Dunford is really trashy, SMSgt Mac of Elements of Power says he's the propaganda arm for Euro-Canards, quoting their add copy almost verbatim at times. Now that is fair, but General Dunford is a real fighter pilot, and no doubt he has worked his butt off.

As you reminded us, IOC is a very initial, and by definition operational capability, that is part of the "work up process" when bring a new aircraft into the inventory.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Yep, he lives in Paris, and is the Editor in Chief of his own little Paper
I don' t live to Paris, close Italy but i am 100 % French me :)

So i understand Brat but you know " almost all " journalists i see ;) and for F-35 i have see before much less now some guys say it is a " lame duck "...

Yves, my name :)
the main point seems to be
"Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $10,559,065 modification to exercise an option on delivery order (5500) that was previously issued against basic ordering agreement N00019-14-G-0020. This option procures 61 retrofit kits to correct deficiencies that preclude aircraft mission readiness in support of the Marine F-35 Strike Fighter aircraft initial operating capabilities. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (45 percent); Ogden, Utah (20 percent); Cherry Point, North Carolina (20 percent); Yuma, Arizona (5 percent); Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), Florida (5 percent); and Edwards AFB, California (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in January 2019. Fiscal 2015 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy); and 2016 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Navy) funds in the amount of $10,559,065 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract combines purchases of the Air Force ($6,251,922; 59.2 percent); Marine Corps ($2,336,937; 22.1 percent), and Navy ($1,970,206; 18.7 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity."
it's inside
Press Operations

Release No: CR-090-16
May 12, 2016

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($173k per one kit, which makes me wonder what does this money buy :)
after ‘Boola Boola’: "During the same exercise, LeClair fired an AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM, carried internally, to take out another drone. This was a miss, however, as the drone target was out of visual range."
Air Force F-35 Hits Drone with Sidewinder Missile in ‘Kill’
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
after ‘Boola Boola’: "During the same exercise, LeClair fired an AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM, carried internally, to take out another drone. This was a miss, however, as the drone target was out of visual range."
Air Force F-35 Hits Drone with Sidewinder Missile in ‘Kill’
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Mz Hope Hodge Seck was in-accurate Master Jura, the Aim-120 is a BVR weapon, medium range, and it did in fact acquire and track the target, it was given a self destruct signal in order to preserve the drone, it did NOT MISS. The AIM 9X was carried on an external rail, it is not capable of being carried internally, and it did indeed acquire, track, and destroy the drone it was fired at. Not sure if it was the same drone or another, but the F-35 was successful in both tests!

More information will likely be following, but in the comments section after Hope's article, this in-accuracy was noted and explained by several of the commenters.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
the main point seems to be
"Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $10,559,065 modification to exercise an option on delivery order (5500) that was previously issued against basic ordering agreement N00019-14-G-0020. This option procures 61 retrofit kits to correct deficiencies that preclude aircraft mission readiness in support of the Marine F-35 Strike Fighter aircraft initial operating capabilities. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (45 percent); Ogden, Utah (20 percent); Cherry Point, North Carolina (20 percent); Yuma, Arizona (5 percent); Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), Florida (5 percent); and Edwards AFB, California (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in January 2019. Fiscal 2015 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy); and 2016 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Navy) funds in the amount of $10,559,065 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract combines purchases of the Air Force ($6,251,922; 59.2 percent); Marine Corps ($2,336,937; 22.1 percent), and Navy ($1,970,206; 18.7 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity."
it's inside

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($173k per one kit, which makes me wonder what does this money buy :)

That my boy is one of the notable costs of "concurrency", and the shortfall of F-22's have made "concurrency" a smart choice for the US and many of its partners. So as these aircraft continue to fly and be maintained every day in the field, they will be rotated out for the "mod kit", F-35s rolling off the line today have likely had these mods installed on the "line", the aircraft requiring modifications are early birds off the line.

Had we waited on full testing of the F-35, we would have 10-20 aircraft test coded, rather than nearly 200 aircraft, many of them coded "operational", and yes that is a big deal, the truth is that had we "fixed" the design prior to LRIP, we would be another 10 years at least getting this fine aircraft into production, and the truth is we need them NOW.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I don' t live to Paris, close Italy but i am 100 % French me :)

So i understand Brat but you know " almost all " journalists i see ;) and for F-35 i have see before much less now some guys say it is a " lame duck "...

Yves, my name :)

Yes Yves, lots of supposed journalists, make a name for themselves with self-styled "hit pieces", and anything US, particularly if its made by "LockMart" is an automatic target, since LockMart is obviously making the best fighter aircraft that world has ever known, IE F-22 and F-35. Even though the F-22 is no longer in production, and attention has faded from the F-22, now the F-35 is the target. In the literary world, these people make a name for themselves by "taking down" the big boys and re-writing the facts to suit themselves, our boy Giovanni is "one of these".

In the good old days, "journalists" were after the truth, and did a much more accurate accounting of the facts, they made a name for themselves by their accuracy and integrity to the truth! no more, with the advent of the internet, anyone can be an "expert"?? even the ole AFB, LOL!

Honestly, these people are able to influence not only the general public, but even the policy makers, and their patent dishonesty is what caused even the amazing F-22 to be cancelled with their "lies and innuendo". Policy makers kind of "go with the flow", and don't do much actual research into the weapons, and are influenced by these kinds of silly and inaccurate hit pieces, it makes them feel "smart"!

The honest truth is that every aircraft, every ship, every tactical weapon, has growing pains, and requires constant "tweaking" once it reaches the field!
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
About the 100 first need some fix but was planned before about 1 billion for all IIRC

I was sure you remenber :) and your a nice person Brat a Gentlemen but with sometimes a mouth allow me but i like it much haha :D ;)