re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread
I understood there is a US law specifying that the number of preproduction aircraft should not be more than a small percentage of the total production. For F-35 this percentage has grown to over 30 %. That's an expensive hobby.While they are likely quite capable, they are basically low rate production test aircraft, due to some of the issues I mentioned, the concurrency production has been slowed to a crawl to deal with those issues. Much like the F-22 the aircraft will be upgraded in "blocks" as software and hardware are upgraded. The early production aircraft of most nations will go to the schoolhouse at Eglin AFB in Florida for maintenance and flight training, under the watchfull eye of combat qualifed operators to school on maintenance and early issues with the aircraft, and you can bet there are layers and layers of safety mechanisms to "wade" into aircraft operations in a safe and orderly way. It is very unlikely that they would be used in any combat scenario at this stage because neither the aircraft nor operators are combat qualified, but rest assured, we have layers and layers of combat capable aircraft, and those 185 Raptors are still causing bad guys to lose sleep at night. So lay your head on your pillow and rest easy, the "good guys " are geared up and they are "ready to go"!
As to specifics, I am quite certain that would be classified, but I am also certain that several of our more up to date posters will inform of us some general lrp specs?