F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Unfortunately I cannot draw the same conclusion because the technical data that I have seen makes me apprehensive as to its advertised capabilities relating to penetration, combat and stealth. I wish I can be more optimistic as Australia will spend a truck load of money on the F-35 program.

Three years ago Brumby, I was you, I loved the F-22, and loathed the F-35, the handwriting on the wall said we couldn't have both???? I would have chucked the F-35 in a heartbeat for the Raptor, I still would! but the Raptor is out of production, we do need more F-35s to do the job that needs to be done, so I have looked at the F-35 with a little more objective view, and in this light, I have come to realize what a fine airplane it is indeed... I have also been able to see who and what the competition is, and that has given me an assurance that the F-35 will indeed measure up to the task at hand!
There continue to be critics, but knowing what I know, I'm not saying we ought to be buying more F-15s, F-16s, F-18s, because we need the F-35, besides that Jeff knows what he is talking about, he has watched this game for a long time, actually he has played this game, his Dad, Lee Head being the Chief Engineer on both the F-8, and the A-7, both very fine single engine carrier aircraft. The A-7 was the only aircraft at the time that could go straight up with the Mig-21 and beat it at its own game, the A-7 was also the "safest" combat aircraft of its day, Jeff also worked on the A-7 at Chance Vought, so he is aware of the parameters, as well as what it takes to "build a winner".

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Yes, the Ford class will have only 3 but spread further apart I believe. Also you're right about snagging the 3rd wire during traps. If you consistently missed the 3rd, it will also affect your promotion! the LSO will be saying something about your momma if you snag the 1st or 4th on a regular basis.

Good to see you neighbor!

A Bar Brother

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

The biggest issue for the F-35 is when it has to come face-to-face with a Raptor equivalent. And the only argument that works against it is having more numbers. As Hostage mentioned before, he needs 8 F-35s to do the work of 2 F-22s in a ground strike mission.

NATO will have more F-35s than all other fifth gen aircraft combined. By the time peer competitors come up with equal numbers, the world would have moved on to new generation aircraft. So it's all good for NATO.


Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Three years ago Brumby, I was you, I loved the F-22, and loathed the F-35, the handwriting on the wall said we couldn't have both???? I would have chucked the F-35 in a heartbeat for the Raptor, I still would! but the Raptor is out of production, we do need more F-35s to do the job that needs to be done, so I have looked at the F-35 with a little more objective view, and in this light, I have come to realize what a fine airplane it is indeed... I have also been able to see who and what the competition is, and that has given me an assurance that the F-35 will indeed measure up to the task at hand!

My sentiments are a bit different from yours. The F-22 was not an option for Australia and so it is simply a case that the F-35 could have been a more capable and less expensive option if not for the compromise in design. In addition, the world has moved on and its advertised capabilities may no longer be there when the rest of the world catches up and it may be sooner than first assumed.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

The biggest issue for the F-35 is when it has to come face-to-face with a Raptor equivalent.

Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! oh my that has me ROFL, oh my, oh my,,,,,,, Heh! Heh!..... Now praytell, where and when is that likely to happen on this planet?????? What General Hostage is alluding to is the Raptor is well able to take on 4-8, 4+ gen aircraft single handed, the F-35 ration is 2-4,,, and as Kool as the J-20, J-31, and PAK-FA are and they are lovely airplanes each one, but not a single real world F-22 match in the bunch. An F-22, flown by someone like Col Max Moga is the ACE in the Hole, you will never "know" that you are about to die, he will be High, He will be Fast, and He will be GONE!!!!! period, exclaimation point!

So, is the F-35 vulnerable, certainly more so than the Raptor, but not in the sense that you are alluding to, even though it lacks the 10/10 terminal performance of the F-22, the F-35 is an 8/10 ths bird, and in the real world, that is still an Ace in the Hole???? IMHO

What we need to realize is that fifth gen is very expensive, and it is very tech dependant, the Chinese and Russian aircraft are in the tech demonstrator, (J-31), prototype stage, (J-20/Pak Fa), where will they be in five years?, that remains to be seen??? maybe in F-35 country if all goes according to plan, the real reason General Hostage wants the numbers, the F-35 will definitely be better when playing with friends, the Raptor is a knife assassin, under cover of darkness, you'll never know???

Am I discounting the competition, absolutely not, neither is General Hostage, that's why we better listen to him when he asks for number of airplanes, but make no mistake, the F-35 has her own little games, that in the hands of someone who has flown/understands the Raptor, well lets just say Col Moga in an F-35, not even a Raptor is safe, and we have lots of top guns, trained and educated by Max, and they will be equipped to fight their aircraft to a win!
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


Am I discounting the competition, absolutely not, neither is General Hostage, that's why we better listen to him when he asks for number of airplanes, but make no mistake, the F-35 has her own little games, that in the hands of someone who has flown/understands the Raptor, well lets just say Col Moga in an F-35, not even a Raptor is safe, and we have lots of top guns, trained and educated by Max, and they will be equipped to fight their aircraft to a win!

this is just to remind (again :) everybody interested there's been an awesome thread here
'Mathematical model of air-to-air combat and loses'
where all the numbers and coefficients are used in the set of ordinary differential equations etc. etc. (for example http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/air...del-air-air-combat-loses-6641.html#post254699)

A Bar Brother

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! oh my that has me ROFL, oh my, oh my,,,,,,, Heh! Heh!..... Now praytell, where and when is that likely to happen on this planet?????? What General Hostage is alluding to is the Raptor is well able to take on 4-8, 4+ gen aircraft single handed, the F-35 ration is 2-4,,, and as Kool as the J-20, J-31, and PAK-FA are and they are lovely airplanes each one, but not a single real world F-22 match in the bunch. An F-22, flown by someone like Col Max Moga is the ACE in the Hole, you will never "know" that you are about to die, he will be High, He will be Fast, and He will be GONE!!!!! period, exclaimation point!

So, is the F-35 vulnerable, certainly more so than the Raptor, but not in the sense that you are alluding to, even though it lacks the 10/10 terminal performance of the F-22, the F-35 is an 8/10 ths bird, and in the real world, that is still an Ace in the Hole???? IMHO

What we need to realize is that fifth gen is very expensive, and it is very tech dependant, the Chinese and Russian aircraft are in the tech demonstrator, (J-31), prototype stage, (J-20/Pak Fa), where will they be in five years?, that remains to be seen??? maybe in F-35 country if all goes according to plan, the real reason General Hostage wants the numbers, the F-35 will definitely be better when playing with friends, the Raptor is a knife assassin, under cover of darkness, you'll never know???

Am I discounting the competition, absolutely not, neither is General Hostage, that's why we better listen to him when he asks for number of airplanes, but make no mistake, the F-35 has her own little games, that in the hands of someone who has flown/understands the Raptor, well lets just say Col Moga in an F-35, not even a Raptor is safe, and we have lots of top guns, trained and educated by Max, and they will be equipped to fight their aircraft to a win!

So what you are saying is a F-35 will beat the Raptor? Or are you saying nobody can match up to the US?

Maybe you will be in for a surprise. Possibly pretty soon; and soon is at least a year away.


Tyrant King
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

What brat is saying is that with Raptor being the only operational Fifth generation fighter and lightning being farther along then the others the US has time.
Pak Fa will not be operational till maybe 2018-2020
J20 about 2020
J31 even later.
None of the others are beyond concept.
And given that the US has time we can improve and enhance.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

So what you are saying is a F-35 will beat the Raptor? Or are you saying nobody can match up to the US?

Maybe you will be in for a surprise. Possibly pretty soon; and soon is at least a year away.
Bro...you are new here so it may take you some time to get used to AFBs humor...in the mean time, lighten up a bit.

As to your post:

1) I seriously doubt that there will be any surprise within a year for the F-22. Even if the PAK-FA or the J-20 were introduced in some typoe of IOC in that time frame (which I do not believe they will be), hey will still not be a match for the F-22. For the J-20, until they goet a new engine with the desired capabilities, and lessen the IR signature back there...that will probably remain the same.

2) As to the F-35 besting a Raptor. It will be possible. The sensor fusion of the F-35 is actually better than the F-22 and it is difficult to transfer those capabilities over because of the differences in architecture. So, in a match up, with both armed with the latest missiles, the F-35 could detect and get the first shot off. I am not saying that will be an absolute ...because there are plenty of features the F-22 has to limit that possibility. I would expect, depdning on the ROEs, that the F-22 would beat an F-35...particularly if it is no holds barred.

But that kind of air superiority fight is not what the F-35 was designed for when it comes to air to air. It is not meant to tangle in a turn and burn fur ball with others...though it will not be terrible at that if it has too, probably better than most think (just watch some of the high off angle testing that has gone on). Anyhow, it was not designed to do so...it was designed to strike, and to be able to defend itself while so doing if it has to...and to win that contest before a fur ball develops.

Anyhow...they are both 5th generation combat aircraft.

The F-22 was designed for Air Dominance. And overall, it will have no peer at that for some time to come.

The F-35 was designed for strike fighting. And it will excel at it and will, for a long time to come have no peer at it.