F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

HMS Astute

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

F-22 was beaten by Typhoon in a dogfight simulation a few years ago. The USAF pilot was quite shocked and also impressed at the same time by the effectiveness, capability and agility of the Typhoon aircraft. Imagine when Brimstone II, Storm Shadow and Meteor come to service...

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And there's no way F-35 will ever match the Typhoon in aerial combat according to some reports.

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Lieutenant General
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

F-22 was beaten by Typhoon in a dogfight simulation a few years ago. The USAF pilot was quite shocked and also impressed at the same time by the effectiveness, capability and agility of the Typhoon aircraft. Imagine when Brimstone II, Storm Shadow and Meteor come to service...

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And there's no way F-35 will ever match the Typhoon in aerial combat according to some reports.

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No offense my friend, but the Typhoon pilot cheated (or so I've heard from the US side).:p Wait until Brat hears of this.

A Bar Brother

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

What brat is saying is that with Raptor being the only operational Fifth generation fighter and lightning being farther along then the others the US has time.
Pak Fa will not be operational till maybe 2018-2020
J20 about 2020
J31 even later.
None of the others are beyond concept.
And given that the US has time we can improve and enhance.

This is very short term. In my first post, I was referring to twenty or thirty years later when peer competitors to the US may come up. By then there will be at least 3000 F-35s around, and by then we would be referring to the F-35 as legacy aircraft.


Tyrant King
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

And both the USN and USAF are already working on sixth generation platforms with longer range, DEW and smart skins for the 2030s. Beyond that is anything goes. Some will try and claim that this nation or that one will be top dog, but lets face it after 25 years who knows.

A Bar Brother

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Bro...you are new here so it may take you some time to get used to AFBs humor...in the mean time, lighten up a bit.

It's fine. I wasn't offended or anything.

As to your post:

1) I seriously doubt that there will be any surprise within a year for the F-22. Even if the PAK-FA or the J-20 were introduced in some typoe of IOC in that time frame (which I do not believe they will be), hey will still not be a match for the F-22. For the J-20, until they goet a new engine with the desired capabilities, and lessen the IR signature back there...that will probably remain the same.

I was referring to more information becoming available about PAKFA. Two reasons for that. One would be the soon-to-be-signed FGFA contract, possibly a few months from today. And the second would be the definitive prototype version of the Stage 1 PAKFA, which may be out by the end of next year.

I don't know much about the J-20, so I cannot speak for or against it. I doubt anybody can, except by dismissing unproven Chinese capabilities.

Anyway, IOC and FOC of the PAKFA match the F-35, so I was referring to an F-22 equivalent being available at the same time as the F-35.

2) As to the F-35 besting a Raptor. It will be possible. The sensor fusion of the F-35 is actually better than the F-22 and it is difficult to transfer those capabilities over because of the differences in architecture. So, in a match up, with both armed with the latest missiles, the F-35 could detect and get the first shot off. I am not saying that will be an absolute ...because there are plenty of features the F-22 has to limit that possibility. I would expect, depdning on the ROEs, that the F-22 would beat an F-35...particularly if it is no holds barred.

What if there is the possibility of a jet which has equal or better kinematics compared to the F-22 and equal or better avionics compared to the F-35?

Anyhow...they are both 5th generation combat aircraft.

The F-22 was designed for Air Dominance. And overall, it will have no peer at that for some time to come.

The F-35 was designed for strike fighting. And it will excel at it and will, for a long time to come have no peer at it.

I beg to differ. The F-35 is not going to be a peer to the T-50 (or J-20, if the bays are as big as T-50's) when it comes to weapons loads, nor in terms of kinematics. Now, you can argue that the F-35 is a much better strike fighter due to its ability to get close to a target area. But is that enough?

If you are familiar with Hostage's comments, he says the F-35 is nowhere close to the F-22 when it comes to ground strike. And he also says the F-35 is more stealthy, whatever the reasons may be, probably has to do with other radar bands. So the only reason why 8 F-35s are needed to match 2 F-22s would be kinematics, since obviously superior avionics don't help as far as Hostage is concerned. To add to that neither the F-22 nor the F-35 are planned to carry cruise missiles as of today (with the exception of JSM, but USAF won't be using it, so we won't get to it). In fact, the F-22 carries lesser A2G munitions compared to the F-35. OTOH, the T-50 has as good or better kinematics compared to the F-22, while also carrying a larger assortment of weapons, including cruise missiles.

There are 14 new types of weapons being developed for PAKFA. And this is not counting the weapons being developed for FGFA in India and possibly even Israel.

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So neither stealth, nor avionics reduce the number of F-35s needed for the same role that 2 F-22s can handle. The F-35's awesome ability to network also doesn't help reduce the numbers, hence why I had initially stated that numbers will play a big part in any F-35 led offensive. And when up against a F-22 equivalent aircraft, the F-35 has no choice but to beat it with numbers in the same role. So if the enemy shows up with 4 F-22s, NATO is going to have to bring 16 F-35s to match it, and so on... The only advantage for the F-35 would be a quicker turnaround and more sorties, while possibly being cheaper to operate.

As for the T-50 being an F-22 equivalent, you can argue that even if the F-22's kinematics are matched or exceeded by the T-50, stealth and avionics will play in the F-22's favor. But, this is again debatable because the T-50 isn't following the American formula of 90% shaping and 10% materials, it is the exact opposite. Shaping plays a smaller part in the T-50's stealth design and materials plays a more significant part.

More than 85% of the T-50's stealth comes from degrading the incident EM waves rather than simply deflecting them like in the case of the F-22. This way, the reflections from the T-50 are much lower from any direction while the F-22 would have a much greater emission of reflected signals in specific directions making it vulnerable to multistatic radars. While shaping contributes to 90% of the F-22's stealth (possibly), shaping contributes to only 15% of the T-50's stealth. The benefit of this technique is RCS can be reduced with the development of better and better materials, while the F-22 is more limited in that sense. So while they say that the F-22 or F-35s RCS will never change, the same may not be true for the T-50.

Now, if an aircraft that was designed particularly for strike is less capable than its air dominance cousin, how on earth will it match a rival that is designed to be as good or better than the air dominance cousin? And the only real way to prove this wrong would be to claim that Hostage was lying all along.

HMS Astute

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

And both the USN and USAF are already working on sixth generation platforms with longer range, DEW and smart skins for the 2030s. Beyond that is anything goes. Some will try and claim that this nation or that one will be top dog, but lets face it after 25 years who knows.



Omg..... what the hell is this .... :confused:;):p

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

F-22 was beaten by Typhoon in a dogfight simulation a few years ago. The USAF pilot was quite shocked and also impressed at the same time by the effectiveness, capability and agility of the Typhoon aircraft. Imagine when Brimstone II, Storm Shadow and Meteor come to service...

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And there's no way F-35 will ever match the Typhoon in aerial combat according to some reports.

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You're quoting David Cenciotti-the Aviationist blog, he is very ambivalent about the ROE, and the Raptors boys cried foul, while the helmet mounted sight is a real world advantage, and the Typhoons will turn, the Brits in their engagements with the Raptors called the Raptor "overwhelming". You believe what you want, but it really is somewhat dishonest to make this kind of blanket statement about "war gaming" which is designed to "handicap" the Raptor team, so that the other side will achieve some kills. But theres no need for you to believe the Air Force Brat either, and there is a great tactical advantage if the other side underestimates your "overwhelming ability". The same applies to the claim that "no way the F-35 will ever match the Typhoon in aerial combat"... I dare say the USAF and at least a half dozen other Air Forces will disagree, but hey, you're quoting the "Aviationist", and he's a "blogger", giving us a couple of ambivalent quotes by real fighter pilots, who would "never" exaggerate, no way, no how, never??? right? right.

Of more interest is claiming that activation of OVT will immediately cause your Raptor to "lose energy" and fall out of the sky, yeah of course that's why the USAF spent so much time and money developing OVT, and those lovely F119s.....

So in the real world of Air Combat, where a bad day at the office means you might end up "DEAD", and I tell you, you have a choice,,,,,, F-22, J-31, J-20, PAK-FA, F-35 or....... a Eurofighter, or Su-35 assuming you are a real fighter pilot, flying real aircraft every day for a living, and you know your opponent is going to be in an F-22 trying to "snuff" you? what would you pick, I know what my pick would be, if I was really obnoxious, I would number them, but you fellas are big boys, take your pick?

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

this is just to remind (again :) everybody interested there's been an awesome thread here
'Mathematical model of air-to-air combat and loses'
where all the numbers and coefficients are used in the set of ordinary differential equations etc. etc. (for example http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/air...del-air-air-combat-loses-6641.html#post254699)

Nyet Komrade!,,, forget the F-15s, I'll put my four Raptors up against your 20 Flankers, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

My aircraft will be very high, they will be very fast, they will be "invisible to your Radar", oh you might catch a flash of something that you can't "nail down" but then it will be gone, my four aircraft will be "whispering" to one another and helping triangulate your aircraft on our radar, I will accelerate all of my aircraft to Mach 1.5/1.6 and I will launch 20 of my weapons,,,, and save the other four for clean=up if I miss?, and I will be half-way home, and well beyond AAM range by the time you lose your first aircraft. I will be enjoying a nice T-Bone and baked potato, feeling kinda bad for you, but glad I had a Raptor, and proud to operating the worlds only true fifth gen air superiority fighter, and talking to my buds about tommorows mission against the next 20.... In the real world, erroneous mathematical theories, just give the bad guys false hope, but the next 20 will not be under any such delusion!:p:p:p

In the real world the F-35, while not quite a Raptor, is still very stealthy, and has a very healthy weapons load, which they will deploy long before you could possibly pick them up on radar, my AWACs will have detected your launch, and will assist my F-35s in targeting your 20 Flankers, and just to be fair to myself, I would kinda like to have 8 of them, at least you would feel a little better having 2 to 1 plus odds against me, and I would still be enjoying that T-Bone and baked potato.. I'm not gonna be trying to run, or out turn you, in fact, I'm not even gonna be in the same county you are, oh my airplanes are still going to be whispering to one another.
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