F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

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This is a neat block posting from FoxtrotAlpha
He gives a list of seven things he thinks could make USMC Lightning LHA/LHD forces a really potent force.

Great article TerraN that was a fine read and my thoughts exactly which I have stated many times on this forum before mainly these issues

V-22 needs a AWACS version
V-22 needs to be able to transport the engines for F35B the F-135
And they need a aerial tanker for V-22

I bet all these configurations would make the V-22 better in exports too cus I know RN would greatly benefit from all of the above

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I don't understand why the current Amphibious Expeditionary Strike Group can not act as a "first day of war" force with the Harriers the USS Bataan was carrying like 20 fighters in 2003 why would they wait till they get F35B

If they mean USS America will be more of a "first day of war" unit then I get it as the first units are air centric with no well decks and have more hanger room and more fuel and weapons space but why do you have to wait till you get F35B to have "first day of war" capability for the rest of the Wasp Class? I don't get this part

Why does F35B give ESG independence why does the harrier not already do that? Is it because simply put F35B is a stealth 5th generation aircraft well ahead of the harrier? Hmmmmm

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Imagine a USS America with four EV-22 AEW aircraft, six SV-22 V-22 aircraft, four of the refuelers, and then twenty F-35Bs. That would be a heck of a carrier in its own right and would be a serious competitor to almost every other carrier in the world outside the US's own nuclear carriers.


Queen Elizabeth will have 36 fighters at full strength and will have the capability to launch 110 sorties a day that's 24 hours

This means if RN surges both carriers they can pop 220 sorties per day wow!

But hold on the USS Gerald Ford will have a surge sortie rate of 240 sorties a day which is TWICE the sortie rate of a QE and has more firepower than both QE combined!!

Not only that QE Class has no EMALS the Gerald Ford will have better situational awareness deeper strike with F35C and the ability to use UCAVS

Overall a single USN carrier just trumped two RN carriers

Am I beginning to think that 3 USN ESG will have the firepower of entire RN at sea?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

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F-35 A/B/C flying together :
Hyper, scrolling is your friend.

Several posts before your post of these pictures, popeye posted exactly the same pictures HEREhttp://www.sinodefenceforum.com/wor...rogress-photos-videos-35-5796.html#post283963.

Now, it is not necessarily a problem to have the same pictures posted several pages apart...but if they are on the same page, you should simply respond to the earlier post and maybe include one or two of them in your response.

They are fine pictures though, that is for sure.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

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This is a neat block posting from FoxtrotAlpha
He gives a list of seven things he thinks could make USMC Lightning LHA/LHD forces a really potent force.

This article has me raising so many questions

It says the F35B will be able to lift 20 tons from a vertical position now is that 20 tons of fuel and weapons?

I would like to know the following what is the lift capacity of F35B from firstly

A vertical take off position
A rolling take off position from a flat top with no ski jump
And finally the take off weight form Ski jump like that of QE class

The latter is obviously the best load since it will have a long run and a ski jump to get airborne but they could short fuel the F35B pack in the weapons load get airborne then refuel using V22 all from QE Class? Would it match F35C load then?


Tyrant King
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Great article TerraN that was a fine read and my thoughts exactly which I have stated many times on this forum before mainly these issues
Just for the record I am not the Author of the Article. I only bring peoples attention to it.
V-22 needs a AWACS version
V-22 needs to be able to transport the engines for F35B the F-135
And they need a aerial tanker for V-22

I bet all these configurations would make the V-22 better in exports too cus I know RN would greatly benefit from all of the above
Fully Agree, It would be a major step up. As F35B is not just a Harrier gone LO it's a whole new ball game. A full Strike fighter with F/A18 maneuverability modern sensors and controls in a V/Stol platform.
If partnered with the proper support platforms the current best option being V22 it can become a near equal peer to Rafale M or F/A18.
I would how ever add one more mission option for V22 a roll on Gunship version. for rapid CAS use in support of US SOC forces particularly attached to platforms like the USNS Craigside.


Tyrant King
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

This article has me raising so many questions

It says the F35B will be able to lift 20 tons from a vertical position now is that 20 tons of fuel and weapons?

I would like to know the following what is the lift capacity of F35B from firstly

A vertical take off position
A rolling take off position from a flat top with no ski jump
And finally the take off weight form Ski jump like that of QE class

The latter is obviously the best load since it will have a long run and a ski jump to get airborne but they could short fuel the F35B pack in the weapons load get airborne then refuel using V22 all from QE Class? Would it match F35C load then?

It's a combination of the two. F35A can carry a full weapons load of 18000 Pounds 9 tons. and 13500 pounds of fuel that is 6.75 tons Now going Vtol your not going too go full load out. Osprey Tanker is right now rated for 12000 pounds pr 6 tons
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re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I would bash the cost of the V-22 + F-35B set-up, but that's the marines we're talking about and as an elite group they can be justified some higher costs.

Unfortunately, one issue with the marines is that since they're fundamentally amphibious infantry, they'll get less training in their intended tasks compared to the USAF or USN pilots. While USMC soldiers are extremely well-trained, with some particularly crack units, the fact that every marine is ultimately a rifleman means that their piloting will be a bit below par.

What's scarier, though, is if the JSDF imports the V-22 / F-35B combo for their amphibious assault ships.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

... means that their piloting will be a bit below par.
I have known US Air Force, US Navy and US Marine aviators. I have never heard anyone indicate that US Marine Aviators are at all, in the least, "below par."

All aviators receive basic military training and have to stay up on many of those basics. It is no different for the Marines. I have never read, or, as I say, heard, that the US Marines skimp in the least on their aviator training.

Do you have any credible documentation from sourced military articles or papers that indicate this? If so, please link them. Thanks.


Tyrant King
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Hardly Inst.
The USMC has very very good pilots who are trained Just as Hard and Just as well often in the same locations as USN pilots. next. The USMC also operates it's own Adversary squadrons.

If the JSDF were to get F35B's it would likely only establish parity of 1 carrier to 1 carrier against the PRC.