re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFORMATION & MODERATOR COMMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I have been informed by Popeye that upon his review, that Solaris was found to be an individual who has been on SD twice before, 1st as Wolverine, and then as Mysterre, and in both cases was banned from the forum.
Forum rules specifically indicate that banned members attampting to get back onto SD under new names will be found out and banned. Therefore:
Solaris has been permanently banned from SD by Popeye
I had been unaware of this in my conversations with Solaris.
Disagreement with anyone on SD is fine, and not discouraged. How we handle that disagreement can be an issue if it is not done professionally and with respect. Accusing people of telling lies, of being unwilling to admit "their mistake," or in any othe way disparraging others simply because of the disagreement is an issue...without absolute proof of such accusations...and particularly trying to expand the disagreement by enlisting other SD posters into such accusations will lead to problems, warnings, suspensions, and bannings.
Please, read our SD Forum Rules of Behavior. We are serious about enforcing them and maintaining our reputation as the most informative, professional, and interesting Defense Forum on the net, and particularly when it relates to Sino Defense issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> END INFORMATION & MODERATOR COMMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFORMATION & MODERATOR COMMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I have been informed by Popeye that upon his review, that Solaris was found to be an individual who has been on SD twice before, 1st as Wolverine, and then as Mysterre, and in both cases was banned from the forum.
Forum rules specifically indicate that banned members attampting to get back onto SD under new names will be found out and banned. Therefore:
Solaris has been permanently banned from SD by Popeye
I had been unaware of this in my conversations with Solaris.
Disagreement with anyone on SD is fine, and not discouraged. How we handle that disagreement can be an issue if it is not done professionally and with respect. Accusing people of telling lies, of being unwilling to admit "their mistake," or in any othe way disparraging others simply because of the disagreement is an issue...without absolute proof of such accusations...and particularly trying to expand the disagreement by enlisting other SD posters into such accusations will lead to problems, warnings, suspensions, and bannings.
Please, read our SD Forum Rules of Behavior. We are serious about enforcing them and maintaining our reputation as the most informative, professional, and interesting Defense Forum on the net, and particularly when it relates to Sino Defense issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> END INFORMATION & MODERATOR COMMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<