JOPS...gotta love it.
A B-52, eight Raptors, four Super Hornets and two Opsresy with two full US Navy Carrier Strike groups. Awesome.
Of course the F-16s and F-15s can do the job. But that is presuming that Assad does not interdict with his anti-air system.
A good bet...but not a sure thing.
The F-22 made the issue moot for the high value targets the US wanted to hit.
If Assad fired up his air defense system, then all sorts of SEAD missions would also have to be flown.
As it is, Assad seems content to let the coalition do what he cannot do. No big surprise there.
And the F-22 debut to combat sends an improtant message in any case. Lets everyone know that in addition to their unparalled air-supremacy role, they can very adequately also perform the stealthy strike role if called upon.
Well that's the thing I'm getting at; I think F-22's role in this campaign is more to demonstrate its stealthy striker role rather than there being some targets that couldn't be taken out by other USAF or USN strike elements.
If the US military was truly worried about Assad's IADS, then they would've only used stealthy strike aircraft instead of having a mostly non stealthy strike force.
In any case, I wonder at what range the F-22 dropped its weapons at. I've always been of the belief, that against a modern and integrated IADS with supporting CAP and AEWC, that you really want to drop powered stand off strike weapons from strike aircraft rather than precision guided freefall bombs like JDAM. SDB is a good compromise, but optimally you want something like JSM that is both powered and can be retained within a fighter's weapons bay, and which itself has stealth shaping as well.
Good post Bltizo, the only exception I would make is that the F-22 is the only "stealthy strike" aircraft in our present operational inventory, but shortly there will be F-35s filling up squadrons in the Marines, the Air Force, and finally the Navy.
Also the F-22 operates at a very high altitude, and JDAMs and SDBs dropped at high altitude and high speed have quite an exceptional range.
We'll there is the B-2, which can carry many times the F-22s payload of two 1000lb JDAMs. A single pass of a B-2 loaded with JDAMs could probably single handedy meet every target they needed to kill that first night (B-2 can carry 80 500lb JDAMs)
B2 is the youngest bomber in the USAF but its not the easiest bomber. The stealth coatings on most B2 are a major hassle for maintaining and repair. Air time in a B2 is very expensive compared to A F22.
B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber — $169,313
F-22A Raptor Fighter — $68,362