Exported J-7


DPRKPTboat said:
Well Mugabe's policies are already making him unpopular. The people don't protest because they know what would be coming to them. He's caused famine, inflation, bad relations with the west and rigged election polls. If he does get overthrown, what folllows will be a similar scenario to Saddam Hussein after he was toppled. You know, Staues being pulled down,dictator put on trial, etc.
Since I don't know, I will reserve my judgement. I won't comment on these.
But lets not get dragged into a political discussion. :eek:ff The point is there is evidence that China is giving alot of military aid to Zimbabwe, which shows strong suppourt for Mugabe's regime. As pngwerme has told us, China has alot of economic interests in Zimbabwe, so naturally it will want to secure those interests. The Chinese technichians, the Chinese built radar station that isn't listed, the F-7s and the offer to sell FC-1s to Zimbabwe all prove this.
I would say it again, China will not interfere with the Zimbabwe's internal affair, China wouldnot be crazy enough to invade Zimbabwe. There are no reasons to do it or there are any moral justification.


Junior Member
Ok, Maybe China would not invade Zimbabwe if Mugabe fell. But there is defnite signs that it has strong influence in Zimbabwe. As for the moral justification - Morals are not important to superpowers if they feel they need to protect their interests. They only have to find an excuse to make their poilicies seem moral. Moral justification is not a major concern to any superpower. They will suppourt some totally corrupt and ruthless dictator if it means they get what they want, and not give a shit.


New Member
Does Zimbabwe actually think it can mess with S. Africa? African Tinpots buy planes to deter its own people. Those F-7 are going to be used more on its people than neighbours.


New Member
I agree that when they get desperate, dictators spend more on defense to protect themselves from their own people. And there is a higher probability of a civil war in Zim than a war against South Africa. However, I do think if this particular purchase was for Bob to fight a civil war, he would be looking at FGA type aircraft.

I don’t think Zimbabwe has the potential or desire to invade South Africa. I don’t think Zimbabwe is or will plan for an offensive war with South Africa. I do however, think in case of a defensive war and on her own ground, Zimbabwe is not a “walk-over” for Zuid-Africa.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Zim should retire their older outdated J-7II's and buy new J-7G's similar to what pakistan did. Why?

1. They are rugged
2. They are cheap
3. They already are trained and have experience on the MIG-21 variations.
4. They J-7G will give them more capabilities than they currently possess.

Other option is the FC-1, but it has yet to be proven.


Why J-7G, but not the under developement J-7MF?

J-7MF is much improved on radar and range. It is claimed to be completely new aircraft though its name is still the J-J series, and is comparable to FC-1.


Junior Member
Realistically, I think Zimbabwe will probablygo for the cheapest aircraft possible. This will probaly be the J-7E/G export version. Currently, more advanced chinese aircraft such as the J-7MF or J-10 will probably not be available to Zimbabwe due to its shrinking economy, not to mention the requirement for a constant supply of spare parts to maintain the aircraft. J-7 is probably all Zimbabwe will be able to afford - it seems to be the most popular choice to many third-world aor forces, as it is easy to purchase and comes with a very cheap price tag.


New Member
This is a follow up to Mate's question and the peceived superiority/capability of the South African armed forces. Please read this article:

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Also I understand the South African Gripens will not have much in terms of weapons. I still need to research on that further.


Junior Member
The first Air Chief of Zimbabwe was a Pakistani (Now dont ask why...i dnt knw..they just appointed a Pakistani/PAF officer). He is retired now (old man). He, couple of yrs back, said that he would like to FC-1/JF-17 in Zimbabwe but not under the command of current Zimbabwian government. He also said that F-7s are the only aircrafts that form the backbone of Zimbabwe's airforce but their capability is so low that they can be brought down by a sling-shot.