The two ships are designed for very different missions: one is an ASW frigate, the other is a guided missile destroyer with emphasis on anti-air.
The radars on the F126 frigate are significantly weaker in air search capability compared to Type 346B. They are optimized for medium range self-defense and horizon search, with apparently some over the horizon search capability as well.
As most modern ASW ships, this frigate has an electric drive important for fuel economy and ASW patrol efficiency.
It seems to emphasize survivability or staying power to some extent, by widely separating its propulsion and sensors into two masts.
The curious thing is that it is a Dutch design (Damen), even though the customer is the German Navy.
Yes I am aware these are very different types of ships.
It is a lighthearted comment that so many design elements - just superficial surface appearances do indeed copy from 055.