European Economics Thread


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Eurocucks better calm down in the future regarding following US-led trade wars against China.

Especially now that China has demonstrated that it will pretty much respond quickly every time and disproportionally.

Also, China demonstrated the ability to go for secondary sanctions previously only reserved for the US.

There is no way that the EU will be able to get any of these critical minerals if China decides to sanction them depending on severity.

Besides being the largest and fastest-increasing consumer market in the world, where they need to export, China produces literally everything nowadays.

Not to mention that the EU will now have to worry about their own trade war against Trump, so I predict they will calm down.

We are past the point where 1. Western sanctions hurt China more. 2. China is unwilling to do a lose-lose scenario as long as the West loses more.

EU is even more vulnerable than the US since it actually needs to produce and export some thing to make money.
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German manufacturing production continues faltering, and has now fallen to the lowest level since the early pandemic.

Production in energy-intensive industries like chemicals, metals, paper & non-metallic minerals has fallen to the second-lowest levels since records began in 2005.


All that cucking turned Industry 4.0 to Industry 400. In another decade it’ll transform to Industry 404.
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A century ago, the most influential fascism was German; but today, the most influential fascism is Biblical fascism.

Some authors, like Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz ...

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... have used expressions linking the two terms, but it seems to me that this does not contribute to clarity in the analysis, but rather to verbal passion.

Another issue is the long-standing contempt that German leaders, since the beginning of the 20th century, have felt for the Slavs and the Eastern populations, from the time of Kaiser Wilhelm II until today.


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Today, for example, a poorly paid white-collar office worker is not in love with Adolf as his landowner grandfather was a hundred years ago, but admires Donald Likud Trump and dreams of belonging to a dominant people, a "HerrenVolk" that slaughters men, women and children of a population subjugated by a regime that is the pure primordial barbarism of a Viking horde.