Very interesting thread showing the ever-widening economic gap between the US and Europe
Essentially what he brought up were mostly personal subjective ideological beliefs and financial metrics (that are so exaggerated in the US thanks to end-stage plutocracy, this is a major net negative for society in fact, very bad and artificial) that have nothing to do with the real economy and can't be used as proxy for it.
Another immediate disqualification is that he brought up also unimportant nominal GDP bullshit that could be the result of anything, other than the real economy, inflation, exchange rates, you name.
Those kinds of artificial non-coherent sharp movements due to the rotting of the US economy don't signal any meaningful comparative change in the real world for nothing positive.
Inflation is self-explanatory, but dollar strengthening is also bad in terms of future re-industrialization export prospects and they actually force other countries to abandon dollars too as they are getting squeezed. Such a strong dollar is the last thing the US needs for both possible directions.
Out of the real economy, he seems to have brought up only the software sector as the end all be all, when it's just one more high-tech sector among a dozen others. Looks to me like another right-winger Trumptard Westoid who hates the "communists" or similar.
They are full of shit and similar myths of their theological "creative" "innovation" and other similar intangible magical concepts. This person doesn't strike me as particularly intelligent or educated. Just use one example, Germany alone actually exports more high-tech products overall yearly than the US.
He criticizes the EU bureaucracy and regulation as if the US is not similarly full of similar occurrences. Regulating in favor of established monopolies and oligopolies to help them artificially maintain their market share with lobbying, from the tech sector to pharma, to everything else in existence, purposefully making the system as complicated as possible so those companies can continue to rent seek and actually stagnate, not innovate, without competition.
Europeans drowning in red tape, and they aren't, lmao, they can't build any infrastructure now for the love of God, then look at the slowness of CHIPS, delayed timelines, inefficiencies, regulatory hurdles in the TSMC saga, etc.
Even the American software sector, which they are so proud of, actually relies on this precise unfair market advantages, of a few mega neo-feudal tech overlords, at home and first-comer network effect globally to extract profits, not on much innovation, for example, the Chinese software sector is much more innovative in the actual sense of the word overall, just talking feature wise or the quality of the service.
In fact the only bad thing that happened in the EU compared to the US was due to following retarded US directives of cutting Russian energy, and some excessive climate-related policies/decisions, but he didn't mention these at all as he doesn't have any idea what he is talking about.
Honestly speaking if the US didn't cook its books in economic reporting much more than the EU, regarding everything from inflation to GDP, then it would have been shown to be not much better than the EU even after it tried to cannibalize some of its industry recently. To me, it sounds like one drunk hubris-filled idiot talking down on another one. While both of them are about to die from rotting away slowly next.