Jura The idiot
I noticed through РИА () what the French Minister of the Interior had to say:
Collomb sur les Français de retour de Syrie et d'Irak : "Nous en sommes à 217 majeurs et 54 mineurs"
"Interior Minister Gérard Collomb announces in the JDD that 271 French people affected by the jihad in Syria and Iraq have returned to the territory. "The terrorist threat remains very high," he said.
How many French jihadists are killed in Iraq and Syria, as well as "returnees"? This is the question asked to the Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb. In his interview with the JDD, the head of the place Beauvau details: "On the French killed, the information is very difficult to cross, and the returns are 217 major and 54 minors. By mid-2016, the Ministry of the Interior estimated that 1,910 French people were affected by jihad in Syria and Iraq, of which 600 to 700 were present in the area. In a year and a half, 217 adults, including just over 20% of women, and 54 miners, have returned. "A lot of French people, particularly committed alongside Daech, have been killed," said jihadist specialist Romain Caillet. "That's what most of them wanted anyway."
"'Returnees' are subject to systematic judicial treatment"
This relatively low number of "ghosts" can also be explained by the difficulty of leaving the combat zones: the Islamic state must be deceived and the Syrian-Turkish border now more impermeable. "It's not impossible but it takes money and a network," continues the author of the Jihadology blog. If the simple fighter is unlikely to survive, the executives are protected by the organization: according to Romain Caillet, the person in charge of Daech's newsletter in French was exfiltered from Mosul before the Iraqi forces. In Syria, the region of Deir ez-Zor, where several of these officials were retreated accompanied by their families, is particularly scrutinized by the French services.
"The threat of terrorism remains very high," recalls in our columns the Minister of the Interior. "Twice, the Champs-Élysées have been targeted, and our services have thwarted seven attempted attacks since the beginning of the year." Returnees "are systematically processed by the prosecutor. Republic of Paris and many of them are currently incarcerated, "says Gérard Collomb. Who mentions "other threats": "Individuals who could be remotely guarded from abroad, notably by Al-Qaeda, or people not directly linked to Syria, but subjected to propaganda that remains unfortunately very active. Psychologically fragile, who can suddenly go to the act ... "According to his count, the number of people registered in the" terrorist-oriented radicalization prevention index "now counts more than 18,500 reports."
Collomb sur les Français de retour de Syrie et d'Irak : "Nous en sommes à 217 majeurs et 54 mineurs"
google translation:Le ministre de l'Intérieur Gérard Collomb annonce dans le JDD que 271 Français concernés par le djihad en Syrie et en Irak sont revenus sur le territoire. "La menace terroriste reste très élevée", précise-t-il.
Combien y a-t-il de djihadistes français tués en Irak et en Syrie ainsi que de "returnees"? C'est la question posée au ministre de l'Intérieur, Gérard Collomb. Dans son entretien au JDD, le patron de la place Beauvau détaille : "Sur les Français tués, les informations sont très difficiles à recouper. Quant aux retours, nous en sommes à 217 personnes majeures et 54 mineurs." Mi-2016, le ministère de l'Intérieur estimait à 1.910 le nombre de Français concernés par le djihad en Syrie et en Irak, dont 600 à 700 présents sur zone. En un an et demi, ce sont donc 217 adultes, dont un peu plus de 20% de femmes, ainsi que 54 mineurs, qui en sont revenus. "Beaucoup de Français notamment engagés aux côtés de Daech ont été tués", estime le spécialiste du djihadisme Romain Caillet : "C'est ce que la plupart d'entre eux souhaitaient de toute façon."
"Les 'returnees' font l'objet d'un traitement judiciaire systématique"
Ce nombre relativement faible de "revenants" s'explique aussi par la difficulté à quitter les zones de combat : il faut tromper la vigilance de l'État islamique puis passer la frontière syro-turque désormais plus imperméable. "Ce n'est pas impossible mais il faut de l'argent et un réseau", poursuit l'auteur du blog Jihadologie. Si le simple combattant a peu de chances d'en réchapper, les cadres, eux, sont protégés par l'organisation : selon Romain Caillet, le responsable du bulletin d'information de Daech en français a ainsi été exfiltré de Mossoul, avant que la ville ne soit reprise par les forces irakiennes. En Syrie, la région de Deir ez-Zor, où se seraient repliés plusieurs de ces responsables accompagnés de leur famille, est particulièrement scrutée par les services français.
"La menace terroriste reste très élevée", rappelle dans nos colonnes le ministre de l'Intérieur. "Par deux fois, les Champs-Élysées ont été visés, et nos services ont déjoué sept tentatives d'attentat depuis le début de l'année. Les 'returnees' font l'objet d'un traitement judiciaire systématique par le procureur de la République de Paris et nombre d'entre eux sont actuellement incarcérés", affirme Gérard Collomb. Qui évoque "d'autres menaces" : "Des individus qui pourraient être téléguidés depuis l'étranger, notamment par Al-Qaïda. Ou des personnes sans lien direct avec la Syrie, mais soumises à une propagande qui reste malheureusement très active. Des gens fragiles psychologiquement, qui peuvent passer subitement à l'acte…" Selon son décompte, le nombre de personnes inscrites au "fichier des signalements pour la prévention de la radicalisation à caractère terroriste" compte aujourd'hui plus de 18.500 signalements.
"Interior Minister Gérard Collomb announces in the JDD that 271 French people affected by the jihad in Syria and Iraq have returned to the territory. "The terrorist threat remains very high," he said.
How many French jihadists are killed in Iraq and Syria, as well as "returnees"? This is the question asked to the Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb. In his interview with the JDD, the head of the place Beauvau details: "On the French killed, the information is very difficult to cross, and the returns are 217 major and 54 minors. By mid-2016, the Ministry of the Interior estimated that 1,910 French people were affected by jihad in Syria and Iraq, of which 600 to 700 were present in the area. In a year and a half, 217 adults, including just over 20% of women, and 54 miners, have returned. "A lot of French people, particularly committed alongside Daech, have been killed," said jihadist specialist Romain Caillet. "That's what most of them wanted anyway."
"'Returnees' are subject to systematic judicial treatment"
This relatively low number of "ghosts" can also be explained by the difficulty of leaving the combat zones: the Islamic state must be deceived and the Syrian-Turkish border now more impermeable. "It's not impossible but it takes money and a network," continues the author of the Jihadology blog. If the simple fighter is unlikely to survive, the executives are protected by the organization: according to Romain Caillet, the person in charge of Daech's newsletter in French was exfiltered from Mosul before the Iraqi forces. In Syria, the region of Deir ez-Zor, where several of these officials were retreated accompanied by their families, is particularly scrutinized by the French services.
"The threat of terrorism remains very high," recalls in our columns the Minister of the Interior. "Twice, the Champs-Élysées have been targeted, and our services have thwarted seven attempted attacks since the beginning of the year." Returnees "are systematically processed by the prosecutor. Republic of Paris and many of them are currently incarcerated, "says Gérard Collomb. Who mentions "other threats": "Individuals who could be remotely guarded from abroad, notably by Al-Qaeda, or people not directly linked to Syria, but subjected to propaganda that remains unfortunately very active. Psychologically fragile, who can suddenly go to the act ... "According to his count, the number of people registered in the" terrorist-oriented radicalization prevention index "now counts more than 18,500 reports."