Haha, how could my suggestions be naïve and disturbing all at the same time?
That is the problem faced with security forces - how can you tell the good guys from the bad amongst a sea of pleading, desperate people and you only have as long as it takes for them to get a seat on a bus/train?
You cannot, which is why the terrorists are getting through.
My solution is to let the refugees in, but keep them quarantined in camps. You avert a humanitarian and moral disaster, but do not compromise your own security.
They can come in as refugees, and will be looked after and treated as such, but they will not automatically get settlement rights within the EU because they are refugees. Not when there are that many of them.
You cannot tell if someone is a radical traveling with them but your chances gets exponentially better if you live and work with someone for months or years at a time. Its a little Big Brother and police state like to use citizens to spy and inform on each other, but it works.
Having them in camps also allows you the time to make sure everyone is thoroughly vetted, and only those with the qualifications needed and who's background and story could be verified as unimpeachable would be allowed to leave the camps to integrate with society at large. Even after, I would still have the security forces keep close eyes on them, and demand strict registration and other security related conditions as part of the terms and conditions of allowing them to settle.
In the meantime, send in the troops to clear ISIS out of Syria once and for all so the refugees you don't want or need could go home (and most of them would want to after years stuck in a refugee camp).
I think far from naïve, my suggestions are very radical and borderline draconian. But they are not as heartless, silly and ineffective as the British Government's suggestion of only allowing in women and children, even if they are traveling with male relatives.
I do think you're naive
We're talking hundreds of thousands of refugees. Almost all have cell phones and access to social media.
First, there is going to be humongous political backlash building this gargantuan camps. The last thing any european leader wants is to be seen building 'camps' housing tens of thousands of foreigners. especially with media sensationlism.
Second. How are you going to keep the people from 'escaping'? You basically have to fashion the camps like concentration camps with towers, armed guards, barb wires etc. Again imagine how all this would look to the outside world.. in the world of FB, Youtube, Twitter etc.
In the meantime while you are spending months vetting everyone, a similar amount would've come in. It would be like a perpetual cycle of refugees coming into the camps and therefore not sustainable.
You would've spend billions of dollars doing all these and might get luckily and catch a few with nefarious intentions.
What about those that don't passed the so called vetting process? Do you send his whole family back or just him? If you do he'll be on the next boat ride back again. Do you put him in the local prison? How to you fit hundreds of these young foreign fighters in local prisons? the political ramifications would be immense.