As we all know, wars are won by logistics. As I and other posters have pointed out, logistics is a huge issue when fighting China. China may not have the most advanced weapon systems and may lose a couple battles at the beginning, but defeating China in the fashion of how the West took Libya apart is almost impossible because of the logistics.
You cannot hope to overcome the air defense system of the entire China with the initial phase of missile attacks/bombers. As the conflict begins, those Western bases in the pacific immediately become targets of CHinese counter-attack. I don't think the term "counter attack" has been brought up much at all in past 30-40 years of global conflicts between any Western nation and their foes. However, there would be no doubt that Chinese will counter attack. Some of our fellow posters brought up the point that those damages can be easily fixed. Well, it may be, but don't expect CHina would stop attacking after only one attack. They would keep attacking until either they achieve their goal or they are stopped. that means the West will have to dedicate huge amount of resources in defending their bases instead of investing all their weapons in attacking their targets, like what they have been doing for the past 30-40 years. Defending itself for long period amount of time will also take a toll in the resources that would otherwise be used to attack their targets.
Once the resource is gone, supply is another issue. China's supply is within its own border and has been fortified for decades and won't be affected much unless their East coast is completely gone. As we are discussing HOW the West would destroy China's air defense in the East, that means China's own supply line should stay intact. The West's supply line however is a completely different story. Since most Western nations are separated from China by oceans, the supply will have to be done via the oceans. Either the battle ships have to go back, which takes a long time and should have a major impact on their ability to fight, or the supply comes to them. Do you think China will allow those huge and slow-moving supply ships traveling across the oceans freely? Those ships are pretty much sitting ducks to Chinese air strikes. The West can also escort their supply ships, but that will also take a toll into their resources since these escort ships could otherwise be used in attacks.
As you can see, fighting a foe that can fight back is completely different from hitting a sitting duck... I am not saying China will win a war or anything like that. All I'm saying is that it would take a complete different strategy to fight China than fighting Libya. Since we are discussing this issue in light of how Libya is defenseless against Western attack, my point is what happens to Libya has nothing to do with what would happen to China IF there is an attack. The US will NOT attack China in the same manner that it uses to attack Libya and China certainly will NOT defend itself like how Libya defended itself. So Libya cannot be used as a reference.