ECS ADIZ: it's about sovereignty (CLOSED FOR COOLING OFF)

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Lieutenant General
It has previously noted that the ADB was fat and lazy until the AIIB appeared, at which point it suddenly found billions more for investment and speeded up decision-making remarkably.

And it does look like the AIIB will be a better run development bank. References below

I completely agree The ADB is nothing more than disguise subsidy to Japanese industry. It is half hearted effort to help developing country. They are stingy and has such a high standard that developing country just can't meet the standard

It is inadequately capitalized and control too much by Japan and US that it become extension of their political agenda. They are created to endear Japan to Asia after their brutal occupation . But completely failed as their projects are too few to make any difference Take example Cambodia that was one of the poorest country in SEA . For years the ADB do nothing. It was not until China get involved that Cambodian economy took off. Ditto with Laos and Myanmar

Once the ADB was founded in 1966, Japan took up the Presidency and some other crucial "reserve positions" such as the directorship of the all-powerful administration department known as BPMSD (Budget, Personnel, and Management Systems Department) through which they manage the institution. By the end of 1972, Japan had contributed $173.7 million (22.6% of the total) to the ordinary capital resources and $122.6 million (59.6% of the total) to the special funds. In contrast, the United States contributed only $1.25 million to the special fund.
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After its creation in the 1960s, ADB focused much of its assistance on food production and rural development. At the time, Asia was one of the poorest regions in the world.
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Early loans went largely to
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and the
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, the countries with which Japan had crucial trading ties; these nations accounted for 78.48% of the total ADB loans between 1967 and 1972. Moreover, Japan received tangible benefits, 41.67% of the total procurements between 1967 and 1976. Japan tied its special funds contributions to its preferred sectors and regions and procurements of its goods and services, as reflected in its $100 million donation for the Agricultural Special Fund in April 1968.
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served as the first ADB president from 1966 to 1972.
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As always presented with fact you tailspin into empty and meaningless threats.
Your consistent lies on SF Treaty and US official position of it clearly illustrate your agenda. Evidence from your past behavior say you're either irrational and can't reason your way out of a wet paper bag, or you're a serial liar. Maybe both. If you take nothing else away from these exchanges, at least understand US is officially neutral on Diaoyu sovereignty. There are elements in and out the Deep State, namely neocons and liberal interventionists, that aren't neutral, but they're just noise in the background.

Japan faces China alone on the Diaoyu. No sane country will interfere, not because they like China more than Japan, but because China is more important to them. THAT is the reality, and all your whining, moaning, crying, and screaming can't change the laws of reality.

China will recover its Diaoyu islands, unjustly taken by Imperial Japan by war. There's nothing Japan could do to stop it, and I surmise that's what really bothers people like you.



Jeff, please do something because such language shouldn't be used even on the Internet forum. Let alone public places.
Talk about pot calling kettle black. Balance perspective doesn't seem to be part of your character, so it's not surprising you're only outraged when others post messages similar in tone to ones you've done yourself.


Yeah yeah and you also see pink polka dotted elephants flying, right?
More meaningless threats based on personal fantasy.



It's why Shintaro Ishihara (a favourite of the neo-con/conservative/right-wing ) forced the government nationalisation of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands when he was Governor of Tokyo.

He's on the public record in a newspaper article saying that a wealthy developed China cannot help but dominate Japan, which would be 10x smaller in terms of population and also economic/industrial heft. There would be no need for China to resort to military action to get what it wants, whatever that may be in the future.

So China's strategy should be to avoid any sort of outright war (even if it can win) and concentrate on economic development and the hundreds of millions of still poor peasants.
We're pretty much in accord. China has no incentive to war on Japan or anyone else, not because of the so-called "Confucian culture," but because it could recover Diaoyu isles, unjustly taken by Japan in 1895, without ever firing a shot. Fighting doesn't serve China's interest, and unless Japan is confident of US military intervention, it can't be in Japan's interests to attack China and start a war it knows it can't win alone.

For the neocons in US and Japan, Diaoyu isn't only about holding on territory unjustly taken in imperialistic war, it's also about contain China and avoid sharing power. So, the question comes down to can Shinzo Abe and his fellow fukoku kyohei devotees manufacture a series of ECS/Diaoyu crisis to militarily ensnare the United States so it'll send its sons and daughters to die for the ex-divine emperor? The answer starts with their ability to co-op the skeptical American public by feeding them propaganda, half-truths, and outright lies.


Yeah yeah and you also see pink polka dotted elephants flying, right?
More meaningless threats based on personal fantasy.
Fantasy? Really? Let's test your theory.
  • Is it fantasy to say China is the second largest economy in the world by all mainstream economic measures, and the largest by one measure? Humm... nope, not fantasy to rational people all over the world.
  • Is it fantasy to say China has greater comprehensive national power than Japan, and the gap grows every year? Let's see now... humm... nope, not fantasy to rational individuals.
  • Is it fantasy to say Japan is a dying country, withering on the vine with an aging population and fewer women having babies? *Checks Japan's own news reports* Oh look, dire reports of Japan going below 90 million people by 2060. So nope, not fantasy.
  • Is it fantasy to say the AIIB is a roaring success, in spite of pleas by Washington to strangle it in the crib? Humm... 57 founding members, EU countries rushing to join, lead by "special relations" UK. Will have over 100 members soon. So nope, can't call that fantasy.
  • Is it fantasy to say China's Belt and Road Initiative is off on a good start, encompassing about 60 countries, 70% of the world's population and 40% of current (and growing) GDP? Humm... even US lame stream media reports the same data. So, it's reality and not fantasy.
  • Is it fantasy to say China can recover Diaoyu isles, taken unjustly by Imperial Japan, without ever firing a shot? Let's see now... China knows time is on its side and war isn't necessary to recover lost territory, unjustly taken by force. So, it's reality and not fantasy.
  • Is it fantasy to think America will send our sons and daughters to die for your ex-divine emperor, just so Japan could hang onto it's ill gotten goods for a few more years? I got to admit, you're right on this item, and it is indeed fantasy to think that.


Then take it up to the ICJ for clarification. Basically the reason why PRC doesn't is because they know they will be laughed out of court.

Only PRC propaganda followers say that and I don't think all even believes what they say.

You mention this often but aside from being pointed out that ICJ requires consent from both parties, meaning China has right to not use them, Japan's record with the ICJ doesn't help your rebuttal about a bringing the issue to ICJ. When it comes to the ICJ ruling on Japan's whaling practices, Japan has merely put up a show by tweaking their whale "research" program to resume whaling which is even frown upon by its allies such as Australia.

And no, it's not just the PRC. ROC also claims Diaoyu on the principle that Japan stole it via war. Claiming Diaoyu in the middle of the Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895 isn't a legally defendable claim, it's just outright taking it because you had better naval forces in open conflict, nothing more. But the terms to the end of WW2 unwinds ill gotten gains beginning from that time period.
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