Deleted by author, per Jeff Head's message above.
Here is an article that provides objective analysis of ADIZs; China's implementation in particular and the response from US & Japan. Worth a read for any interested in the subject.
You might want to read what you, yourself posted;I'm amused by all the hoopla over China's ECS ADIZ, since there are no international laws governing their creation or use, and nations are free to unilaterally create their own. The US, and Japan unilaterally established their ADIZs, and yet they get all bent out of shape when China creates one of her own. All the whining is more sail than ballast.
Right you are, Samurai! International laws and norms allow the US to spy all she wants outside any country's 12-mile limit, and the US does not and should not buckle to pressure from China or anyone else to stop it. China has the right to send her own assets into US EEZ, and has done so several times. In addition, China and US are strategic rivals, and it makes good sense for both sides to keep tabs on the other, so stop whining and reciprocate.
I'm amused by all the hoopla over China's ECS ADIZ, since there are no international laws governing their creation or use, and nations are free to unilaterally create their own. The US, and Japan unilaterally established their ADIZs, and yet they get all bent out of shape when China creates one of her own. All the whining is more sail than ballast.
You might want to read what you, yourself posted;
You might want to read what you, yourself posted;
Not sure if you're trying to point out a contradiction.
I believe he is, but Blackstone usually has a very good reason for what he says, and context is everything, but Sam makes a point, that we often change our tune in the context of the current discussion, I sometimes read my own posts and think??? I wrote that????? a lot of it depends on our mood at the moment.
So while many posters protest that Chinas ADIZ is not provocative, the net effect in the real world has been to greatly increase tension and conflict among the players, and as the Air Force Brat, my considered opinion is that it was/is intended to do so. Does it increase China's security????? ahhhh, no, not necessarily, but it does ratchet up the concerns of the neighbors, and that seems to be intentional as well..... I really don't know what the intensions were????? but, I can see the results, and I'm not very happy with what I see... is it business as usual???? it has decidedly had a negative effect on US/Sino relations, and that does concern me, I believe it should concern each of us?????